Example sentences of "well [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 The Sun only just manages to keep alight and it tends to be those few protons that are moving faster than average that keep it going — which is just as well or it could have used all its fuel and expired before we arrived .
2 ‘ I remembered pretty well where it started .
3 Well where it 's been hacked about
4 Similarly , the West Midlands , except Coventry , still seems to be an area where Labour is doing less well than it should all other things being equal .
5 It suited him less well than it had Zacharias .
6 Well so it is , Da , ’ Patsy ventured .
7 There were marvellous areas of growth , like Caribbean cruising with the fantastic prices and quality incidental to the impact of all the extra tonnage , and the ferries were doing so well that it would be a good idea to discourage people from turning up in hordes at Dover unticketed .
8 He had accepted the invitation gladly , knowing full well that it would be his last opportunity to speak in public as a European executive of United Motors .
9 ‘ You know very well that it was extremely dangerous , ’ Doyle said coldly .
10 To my mind , it begins so well that it could easily be mistaken for a translation of an eighth-century hermit 's verse , composed in a beehive hut by a contented holy man of Old Ireland .
11 When it was midnight they took the body of the Cid , fastened to the saddle as it was , and placed it upon his horse Bavieca , and fastened the saddle well : and the body sate so upright and well that it seemed as if he was alive .
12 Christine , however , knew very well that it was n't the distance that kept Miss Miggs from travelling to Gridford , but the railway fare .
13 In fact I 'm told we ran the three-day week so well that it did n't make enough impact on the country ; they did n't realize the crisis and thought they would n't support Ted Heath .
14 He had schooled it so well that it received the implications of that entire passage of information with no expression at all .
15 The dish should fit the meat so well that it does n't take too much liquid to just cover the meat .
16 the magazine had the final say on the format of the finished pattern , so I found myself having to pass over things like ‘ Take off on a hand knitting needle ’ when I knew full well that it would be much easier to ‘ take off on waster yarn ’ .
17 Galileo knew only too well that it could , if the province of biblical authority were not scrupulously defined .
18 Harry exclaimed , flushing deeply , because he knew very well that it was n't .
19 Well that it will not be effective until er you produce that licence to this court .
20 You might suppose that a bad smell would not deter a really hungry hunter , but anyone who has received a full squirt from a skunk knows very well that it is almost unendurable .
21 But to this day he had not once sat down at a table prepared by Beth , and both she and David knew only too well that it was a deliberate snub .
22 She performed her task so well that it was twenty minutes before she brought him to a thundering climax .
23 When you know perfectly well that it — ’
24 I wanted to tell him calmly that I knew perfectly well that it was absurd and quite understood the point of his questions .
25 He got straight back on to the divan and lay with his eyes shut , as if I should n't have come and I felt I ought never to have come ( especially without telling C ) , and I felt as well that it really was a bit much , a pose .
26 But at the moments you wish you were shot of the whole thing you know perfectly well that it 's precisely because you could n't endure to be without it , now you know about it , that you 've got to go through all this .
27 I am known all too well that it 's big rough galaxy out there , full of more surprises than the human imagination can conceive of .
28 ‘ You know perfectly well that it is not me whom you love , but Mrs Greville , and the two children who are your responsibility , and , knowing that your heart lies with them , and not with me , I can not marry you . ’
29 She knew perfectly well that it was not , but to her surprise nerves were getting the better of her .
30 ‘ You know perfectly well that it is not really her home — ’
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