Example sentences of "well [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Spread and ram well down to provide a firm base
2 I should have knelt beside her and put my arms around her and promised her that she would be freed from the hell of anhedonia , and that there really was a God and that she did have the strength to tear herself free from cocaine , as others had freed themselves , and I should have assured her that there was true happiness without a drug , but I did not know her well enough to embrace her , so I just let her weep as the sun streaked up in glory from the east .
3 To understand the world , then , and understand it well enough to contrive to live in it , there is no one way : not fact , not theory , not particularity , not abstraction ; and explanations of whatever kind are not universal answers , merely part of a progressive and accumulative act of learning and knowing .
4 The old one did its job , not perfectly but well enough to justify its existence .
5 They sold well enough to justify a second edition , completely re-set , with a few misprints corrected , with the countertenor solos removed from the alto clef to the treble in tactful acknowledgement of the amateur market , and with a title-page announcing it as a new edition .
6 He took two wickets in each innings and did well enough to merit further matches .
7 Above all he knew little more about Matthew Glynn than might reasonably appear in his obituary , but he needed to know the man well enough to see him going about his daily life against the background of his home and shop and in the context of his family , friends , and acquaintances .
8 Things became so bad for the Charles Bal later on in the evening that she had to spend the entire night tacking back and forth south east of Krakatoa , probably remaining within twenty kilometres of it — the ash-fall from the eruption was so thick that Captain Watson could not see well enough to steer away to safety , but ironically , the glare from the volcano provided a weird and somewhat improbable lighthouse .
9 Not as well as the General , but well enough to agree with the General 's assessment . ’
10 He could see the hands very clearly ; well enough to notice the handpainting .
11 If we can reduce our weight to around that of our youth and eat well enough to give us the energy to work and live our lives to the full , we will all benefit .
12 The side , annihilated 22–0 by TUNISIA in the first round of the tournament , recovered well enough to give the same Tunisia a fright in the semi-finals of the Plate competition , the Etna Cup .
13 But they served the basic purpose well enough to give the investigators a continuous record of the flight parameters , albeit on a rather small scale .
14 She was not able to hear well enough to take shorthand , but her pleasant personally and conscientious work made her a valued member of staff .
15 When I gave it away I believe I was still playing well enough to continue for a few more years , but I had had enough , and it was time to consider the family .
16 ‘ The Vetch ’ is a really good restaurant ; so good , I ca n't afford to eat there , but I have played there on occasions and most of the staff know me well enough to stop for a drink and a chat .
17 Nevertheless tabular evidence demonstrates that non-traditional students and mature student entrants as a category perform well enough to support a policy of providing opportunities for adults previously unable to enter higher education .
18 It would be like returning to resit an examination in which we have not done well enough to proceed to another level of our education .
19 If you write a song that sells well enough to reach the top 50 in the albums or singles chart you are eligible automatically .
20 Indeed , Jip and Zab have lost their almost telepathic ability to communicate , and , as witnessed by the outcome of the novel , the world is unable to communicate well enough to reach a full consensus or enforce a communal decision .
21 Really special , and you are going to do your bit and you know P C well enough to do your bit .
22 Over thirteen years , since he had taken over from the retiring senior partner to whom Francis Sutherland originally brought the affairs of Sleet , David Rosen and Delia Sutherland had come to know each other well enough to do without greetings ; they liked it that way .
23 not well enough to do that , so I 'm not looking for a job yet , she said your nerves are all
24 ‘ There 's so much , as you say , and everyone else seems to them to be doing well enough to enjoy it all .
25 ‘ Hah , Suragai , you are learning our language well enough to argue in it . ’
26 ‘ They ca n't fake it well enough to fool a forensic laboratory .
27 I think we know each other well enough to use our Christian names . ’
28 I looked forward to the time when I could speak well enough to talk to them .
29 The party behind , in another special , paid their engineer well enough to drive into the rear coach and smash it — they being rivals with the stranded party to serve the same area with a new railway .
30 Not until after Easter was King Henry well enough to attend a conference , but even then nothing was achieved .
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