Example sentences of "now they have " in BNC.

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1 Now they have been told to restore normal services ‘ without delay ’ , but no deadline is stipulated .
2 Up to now they have been well looked after by the Pakistan government and established in villages of 50,000 to 60,000 people .
3 Until now they have represented a mass of public opinion which is noisy rather than articulate , and more remarkable for its courage than its ability to coalesce as an organised force .
4 Now they have to spend their mornings planning budgets and their afternoons paying bills .
5 Now they have been given a fresh lease of life , inviting the ( wrong ) conclusion that the need for a further shake-out is past .
6 Now they have started again , as investors convince themselves that the worst of the recession is over ; as some junk-bond issuers take advantage of falling interest rates and the stockmarket rally to refinance their debt more cheaply or turn it into equity ; and as bond-raiders speculate in distressed companies that they think may restructure themselves or be taken over .
7 My first leader was Schwalbé , who had been with the Suisse Romande under Ansermet , and now they have Spierer , who is a good musician and totally reliable .
8 Now they have brought forward a plan which is that they should lend me sufficient money to rent another house in which Mr Landor is to have the first floor , comprising three rooms , a book closet , and a terrace , and I am to reside on the ground floor and care for him receiving £30 a year for my trouble .
9 Now they have got their hands on it again and in Couples , the runaway leader in their money list , they see the man to restore their pride .
10 Now they have demonstrated that such systems can be modified and made more complex .
11 The group would be more than spectators for now they have to make active decisions .
12 And down river now they have made vast new docks and an oil terminal .
13 Now they have eaten and drunk , taking turns from their one glass with the broken pedestal , smoked their short pipe , and are finally done telling their experiences of the past day .
14 ‘ They will , now they have you , ’ said the engineer .
15 Last week they were here ; now they have gone and they are not coming back .
16 Fry and Flashman both launched a tirade of abuse against each other following their parting , but now they have shelved their differences and will work together again in a twosome , the like of which football has never seen , or is likely to again .
17 Now they have their hands on every lever of power .
18 LEFT Home computers were unheard-of only a couple of decades ago ; now they have become routine magic' .
19 Working on a Switchboard — particularly London , where the phone rings as soon as you put it down even now they have five lines — is a continuous education and a continual reminder of your own privileged position and relative security in the gay ghetto .
20 We 've created so much space for heterosexual women workers to carry out projects , and yet up till now they have not returned the compliment .
21 And now they have another LP .
22 Now they have dedicated their hangar to high speed and in particular the record breakers that flew from this historic airfield .
23 Until now they have claimed it is a world away from the horrors just five hours ' down the road in Miami — so chillingly portrayed in the TV series Miami Vice .
24 ‘ She must have had such high hopes and now they have been dashed . ’
25 Now they have witnessed him kissing and cuddling their mother and they must be aware that their real father is deeply upset . ’
26 Football League president Gordon McKeag is among ex-directors promised lifelong access to the St James 's Park boardroom — but now they have now told to use a former refreshment room on match days .
27 Both Sotheby 's and the lawyers for Lord Northampton have assured us that up till now they have not seen a shred of proof .
28 Federal army headquarters were also furious : ‘ Now they have made the archaeologists discredit the reputation of the Yugoslav National Army ’ , complained Vuk Obradovic , army spokesman .
29 Cloudberries rudus chamaemorus , are numerous along the path and by now they have their orangery red fruit .
30 The 80386-80486 translator is the latest to be finished after the original Transputer implementations and Hinsley says that now they have first couple under their belts , it will only take a month or two to write each additional processor implementation .
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