Example sentences of "now he do " in BNC.

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1 It 's funny really , now he does n't say a word .
2 Now he does not tell her that he is going to put a knife to that child 's throat and burn his body to ashes .
3 Now he does .
4 ‘ At Southampton , he did n't score that many but did all the work for others — now he does the work and scores heavily .
5 Now he does voice-overs for the company 's adverts . ’
6 ‘ But now he does n't have to come after us .
7 And now he does n't care about anybody .
8 ‘ Dad was only concerned about how things affected her , and now he does n't really care . ’
9 Now he does make mistakes so that 's not a
10 Now he does say he would you know he even thinks he could be a Gold Cup horse and emulate Dawn Run I mean again it 's it 's great claims this early on but er they would n't be running him if they did n't think he 's got a chance .
11 Now he does n't know what to think .
12 Now he does n't actually make the concession I think it 's consistent of what he says , that he ought to concede that direct democracy might be better at improving the citizens , because after all the citizens have much more to do on in service of the state but his view is that direct democracy has the opposite failure to guardianship , that while it might be better at improving citizens it 's absolutely hopeless in managing the affairs of the state and his reasons for that is that we need experts with experience in order to carry out the affairs of government and although these people ought ultimately to be held responsible to the people , people should n't sit in judgment them in every one of their decisions .
13 Now he does tend to jump the .
14 And so if you went out and you bought er , I do n't know , we 've , if , a microwave , as you left the store with your microwave , the salesman calls his supplier and says , I need a microwave , because he only keeps three now , whereas even up to three or four years ago , he would have several in the back store , now he does n't keep them .
15 Now he does n't know what his futures will be .
16 so I have Sally , and , and er , her mum always cooks a meal in the evening so I , I do something like toasted cheese sandwiches or beans on toast or something like that at lunch time , but there was one time when she wanted peanut butter and , all her brother used to ask , I , her brother does n't come to me now , he stays at home cos he 's going on fifteen , and as he 's next door but one anyway , you know if , if anything goes wrong he can come along to me , but all he wanted was my homemade blackcurrant jam , and now he does n't come any more I 've got to actually give him
17 loads of times , he does moan mumma now he does that quite a lot
18 You see , now he does work for them , so I mean , if he ripped him off , yeah , he can get with that , yeah .
19 er , now he does n't like to talk about it you see , and I said to him one day look Paul for god sake , oh , he 'll tell his mum , but he does n't like to talk about it to me
20 so he j , now he does make an effort in some of his books and , I mean they say write small , I mean on one page if he wrote any smaller I need a ma
21 And this other guy she 's going with now he does n't smile , nothing !
22 Now he do n't bring it home from school half the time . ’
23 Well now he do n't want it .
24 Right now he did n't care .
25 He missed her physical presence too , and dreamed of her oftener now he did not see her .
26 Of course now he did n't have to walk quite so far to do his searching ; but a similar kind of dedication was still required of him , for The Bar contained in a way the streets of the whole city , there were men there from all the different parts of it .
27 Now he did n't trust him .
28 Even now he did n't fully know what was meant by the line the stars threw down their spears .
29 Now he did smile , and it changed him completely , lifting the lines of his face so that he appeared hardly older than herself , though she knew from Miss Beard that he was almost thirty .
30 Now he did and they did not seem absurd , they seemed like good reasons .
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