Example sentences of "now on the " in BNC.

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1 The light of the risen sun was glittering now on the tall glazed windows of the central part and glowing like honey on the yellow walls .
2 Prem , LEP 's new testing equipment for the Aids virus , is now on the market and should make a ‘ useful contribution ’ to profits this year .
3 Aids is now on the downward trajectory of fashionable worries , barely able to keep its head above the surface of apathetic extinction .
4 The latter , he said yesterday , is ‘ not now on the agenda ’ .
5 In fact , discussions were held with him and he considered yet again that his release is not now on the agenda . ’
6 Lee 's case is now on the agenda for today 's competitions committee meeting in London .
7 Rachel was very tired and paused now on the monumental steps of her museum .
8 She was stationed now on the male floor and visited him frequently — sometimes in the line of duty , sometimes for a few minutes when her work was finished , often — as now , when she should have been elsewhere — for an illicit cigarette .
9 The boot was now on the other foot in the Middle East where the Americans were the critics and Britain was shouldering the primary responsibility for the stability of the area .
10 Still , at least the interlocking issues of taxation , welfare and the family are now on the political map .
11 She turned them inside out , returned them to Dot to put on with the insides now on the outside .
12 He 's now on the loose but under strict control .
13 This enchantingly dotty building has recently been restored and is now on the market .
14 Three farms in Powys had bought extra acres to accommodate sons now on the farm .
15 ‘ There 's a camp being put together right now on the moor at the top of the brae , ’ Maggie explained .
16 If such measures lead to replacement of all today 's inefficient equipment as it wears out by the most efficient equipment now on the market , Sweden will need only 111 TWh of electricity in 2010 , rather than 140 TWh .
17 If society had been worried about the juvenile delinquency problem of the Fifties , as portrayed in The Wild One , Blackboard Jungle and Rebel Without a Cause , it was now on the precipice of sheer panic about drug-crazed beatniks and hippies whom the establishment and Time regarded with derision , as did its stablemate Life .
18 And now on the bus from the airport I could not stop noticing detail .
19 The present proposals , which SAVE has long opposed , no longer include a massive tower block , but involve building over ancient alleys and replacing a delightful mixture of frontages with a single , monolithic block , much more bulky than the buildings now on the site .
20 Many of the cases included in the two reports are now on the road to recovery .
21 However , beware of becoming overexcited that you are now on the path heading straight towards Carn Mor Dearg .
22 Mind you , I still think that now on the way back from a long hill-walk when I can just make out a dot that is the car .
23 There have been frequent and major set-backs ; and it may be that we are now on the threshold of a new era , in which , for the first time , leaders in society will make a conscious decision to allow the flood-waters in some areas to rise again .
24 Fig 64 The tilted angle of the board indicates that all the weight is now on the leeward side of the board , i e the right foot .
25 Now on the agenda are proposals to widen and realign the Woolmer Road , together with an improved junction where it joins the A325 north of the village .
26 She has been a member of the Bramshott and Liphook community Care Group since it started and is now on the executive committee .
27 ‘ Falklands is now on the agenda ’ , said one .
28 The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children ( NSPCC ) helped almost 51000 children in 1986/87 and the National Children 's Home campaign Children in Danger showed that 30 000 children are now on the local authority ‘ at risk ’ register , an increase of 22% in the last year ( Pope , 1988 ) .
29 A BATTLE royal over who is to fill the current vacuum of leadership in European science planning is now on the cards .
30 Large murals from the mansion are now on the walls of Prestwick Indoor Bowling Club .
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