Example sentences of "now for [num] " in BNC.

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1 For some reason he remembered old Doyle , the gardener , dead now for thirty years , leading him up the same pathway round to the back door and into the kitchen for the mid-morning cup of tea .
2 It led to a dialogue with Montefiore , with my telling him about my friend who has had AIDS now for six years and who , thanks to AZT , is still alive .
3 ‘ Lots of jazz players have been doing it now for six or seven years and are on a level with the Americans .
4 Because they 're a year younger than I am , two years younger and they 've been registered now for six , seven , eight , or nine years .
5 I mean they 've been on strike now for six months .
6 Er , I 've been now for six and a half years , I think , at the last count , er , I know I 've served just over half my sentence .
7 Street , and the bottom lamp has been out now for six weeks .
8 In all the years , and I 've been it 's secretary now for fifteen years and I have n't had any trouble .
9 Can we have a break now for fifteen minutes ?
10 The reasons for Wales 's clarity of thinking are not difficult to see : ministers more interested in practical achievement than ideology ; an NHS management team together now for five years ; and , above all , a district structure and population the size of just one of England 's 14 regions .
11 I have played here in England now for five or six years and no one has complained about the way I swing the ball .
12 Well it 's , it 's more like more or less just like today , you know , if you , if you 've got nowhere to go and they just put you there , but I mean now you ca n't get in very good can you really , not now , but erm , Pat since she 's been on duty she 's had a terrible trial , terrible she had to get one , help in this morning , get one of the floor next door , then we 've had trouble one down further , but she 's been put into erm Ashlyn now for five weeks , so she 's out the way for a little while we 've had an awful worrying time here though , it 's absolutely been a pantomime cos this has just keeps er throwing herself on the floor , all the time she 's doing it
13 There should be enough cream there now for four to six weeks on a twice weekly basis , but if you run out just give a ring in .
14 I 've stopped smoking now for four month .
15 I have been living in the same bungalow now for 10 years , and it seems no easier now than it was 10 years ago to find staff .
16 We 've been together now for 18 years and it do n't seem a day too long , but I can see there does come a time when it 's good for mother and child to view one another from a distance .
17 They have been in Perth now for nine years and in business as McKays for three , providing , as Lesley McKay explained , ‘ accounting services to companies that have grown big enough to need an accountant or finance director , but not big enough to afford one full-time ’ .
18 Erm , Jane 's been with us now for eight months , and this is her , how many ? the sixth outfit she 's worked in .
19 lets hope old Syd is back bowling very soon … we 're off on the trail to South America now for one of the most demanding and torturous sporting trials of all …
20 The defeat of Redgrave , the reigning Olympic champion , who also won an Olympic gold medal in 1984 , and Pinsent , his partner now for two years , by Jonathan and Gregory Searle , was comprehensive .
21 I 've been in London now for two months .
22 This is not merely a little churlish ; it also explains why the cumulative effect of their evidence makes less — impact than it should , because it disguises the fact that the unholy alliance between the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry has tottered from crisis to crisis now for two decades — since the thalidomide tragedy .
23 It was , anyway , only a reaction against childhood instability , valid while the children were small but not rational grounds now for two reasonable people to continue together .
24 New laws are needed now for two reasons .
25 The two men already there had been on duty now for two hours .
26 In the time of King Edward it answered for six sulings and now for two and a half , there is arable of seven teams , in demesne , there are three teams and fifteen villians with nine bordari have six teams .
27 The boy had been in his tutelage now for two and a half years , closer far to him than to his own Lancaster kin .
28 Depreciation 's been falling now for two or three years as our capital expenditure of depreciable assets has been falling indeed if you look at last year 's net of the nine million pounds purchase of the freehold to fourteen million the year before was only sixteen million erm so as the as the depreciation as the capital expenditure falls the depreciation will also fall that 's one reason .
29 Cos we 're doing a s we 're doing a system now for two hundred and ninety
30 We 've been around now for two and a half years erm we work as support workers , I suppose , like erm community workers or social workers in some contexts .
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