Example sentences of "now of the " in BNC.

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1 Though it may well be , he wrote , that one actually achieves more working with the wrong plans and in the wrong spirit , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception , it may well be , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that one achieves more than working with the right plans and in the right spirit , with the right tools and the right principles , on the right surface and with the right conception , though right and wrong and more and less are relative concepts and what seems right at one moment to one person may seem wrong at the same moment to another Person or at another moment to the same person , and what seems more to one person at one moment may seem less to another person at the same moment or at another moment to the same person , right , wrong , more , less , relative concepts , scribbled Goldberg , in the margin , panting slightly as he bent over his old Olivetti Portable , there is only the beginning , wrote Harsnet , or rather , there is only having begun , beginning , scribbled Goldberg , aware now of the black stains on his hands left by the felt-tip pen , having begun , there is only the feeling in the pit of the stomach or the feeling in the chest , wrote Harsnet , the feeling of sickness or the feeling of elation , those are not relative , he wrote , those are absolute .
2 News now of the unveiling of a fine memorial commemorating the 30 men of 30 Squadron and 20 men of 33 Squadron who died in the defence of Maleme airfield , Crete , in May 1941 .
3 I was always conscious now of the mocking presence of those fascist student bullies in the streets , following me with laughter and taunts .
4 No mention now of the numbers of troops or military units slaughtered ( the Hebrew term translated ‘ thousand ’ in verse 10 might well mean military unit in that context ) .
5 I think now of the way the shaggy but emaciated-looking , dull-eyed sheep who wander so wearily about the paths and tracks of the Forest of Dean find their way into the brick bus shelters on nights such as this .
6 She put her mouth over it , licking , sucking , dribbling , both of us unaware by now of the child sleeping three or four paces across the half-dark room .
7 There is talk now of the German orchestras working to new contracts .
8 The establishment of time was now of the essence ; conflicting evidence came from all quarters .
9 All that remains now of the sixteen dwellings Seller burned are a few tumbled stones , scattered over the green hillside .
10 All the rest of the Norwegian types are now considered extinct as separate breeds or are rare : 98 per cent of the country 's cattle are now of the Norwegian Red type , which can be solid red or red with some white .
11 Each generation in Edenderry has had members called to the full-time ministry of the church : the late ( now of the Presbyterian Church ) and , more recently , the Reverend David Kilpatrick .
12 There will have to be fuller use even than now of the invaluable expertise and experience of the community and that means largely the business and industrial community …
13 There could be no question now of the French fleet overwhelming the British and escorting an invading army to Scotland and Essex .
14 The Doria , their own ship , brought by the Venetians and Zacco from the Abruzzi , and a veteran now of the war for which she had been chartered .
15 The book of Ephesians chapter one lists at least ten benefits of this new relationship , among which we find the fact that the new believer is chosen by God ; is counted holy ; is blameless ; is adopted ; is forgiven ; has an understanding now of the mystery of God 's will for man .
16 In relation to Northern Ireland , successive British Governments and Parliaments have repeatedly affirmed the union , stipulating the consent first of the Parliament of Northern Ireland ( Ireland Act 1949 , s.1(2) , now repealed ) , now of the people of Northern Ireland expressed in a referendum ( Northern Ireland Act 1973 , s.1 ) .
17 • A recent change in classification leaves the Atlantic species correctly referred to the genus Anthias , whereas those from elsewhere previously classified as Anthias , are now of the genus Pseudanthias .
18 All of us should know by now of the decision taken at the special church meeting on 13th May to go ahead with the purchase of the Camphill building .
19 Thinking now of the battles she had fought with her own children , especially her daughter , Margharita , she felt a pang of remorse over the woman she had buried a few hours earlier .
20 ‘ And that job will become even harder with the separation now of the Premier League and the Football League .
21 With the provision of booths and sound systems , most conference interpreting is now of the simultaneous variety but , as is frequently pointed out by interpreters themselves , the most common use of interpreting is in some personal consecutive mode and not in conferences .
22 What now of the claims that other primates can communicate with systems in all important respects as complicated as ours ?
23 We do have to be a little careful now of the evidence which Mead cited in support of her claim that both gender and adolescence are so culturally varied that they simply can not be biologically determined .
24 There can be no doubt now of the momentum towards a Uruguay round agreement . ’
25 It was now of the utmost importance for the Unionists to clarify their own position ; Balfour 's pledge had been a conditional one and was not in any case binding on his successor , but the unpopularity of food taxes remained .
26 Ironically the price of sterling went up so high that it made it very difficult for us to sell our other manufactured goods and many people are now of the belief that because of the North Sea oil price rises , this had an adverse affect on our economy , making it more difficult for us to sell manufacturing goods because the pound was very strong against other currencies .
27 I 'm glad all your transport users are , are now coming out of the woodwork , but you are the minority in this hundred , now of the majority the car drivers do you feel any resent of responsibility towards users of public transport , I mean there are all manner of er plans afoot to , to slightly further tax or er charge drivers so that roads can be subsidised , I do n't know that it would subsidise public transport , but there are penalties coming up for private car users and drivers , do you approve ? , do you disapprove , do you think that 's fair enough ? , no one 's said any thing about pollution yet , yes
28 The new pop stars — self-conscious frauds , tackily glamorous like Boy George — fed a revival of old-fashioned pop gossip , a staple now of the Sun and the Mirror .
29 Sophie spoke now of the Royals : ‘ …
30 Coenwulf had several brothers and would seem to have been a member of a very powerful kindred , some of whose landed estates were centred on the region of Winchcombe , but none of his forebears had reigned as kings and Alcuin 's observations in a letter to the people of Kent in 797 that scarcely anyone was to be found now of the old stock of kings and the more obscure their origin , the less their courage , could certainly be construed as a slight on Coenwulf .
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