Example sentences of "now turn to " in BNC.

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1 One now turns to his indexes with a sense of delicious anticipation , and here there is no disappointment .
2 Our discussion now turns to this aspect of contemporary Britain .
3 As he continues with the prayer that those who receive the sacrament may " be fulfilled with all hevenly benediction and grace through Jesus Christ " , so Rolle in The Form of Living now turns to a description of the interior awareness of this fulfilment .
4 The focus of the meeting now turned to the question of how these results should be released .
5 Mick now turned to his aunt and asked , ‘ Did Carrie pass her test ? ’
6 Millie now turned to Ben , and he shrugged his shoulders , saying , ‘ It 's up to you ; but I could bring you back tomorrow , if you would like that ? ’
7 The closure of the American office was a temporary set-back ; attention was now turned to Europe .
8 Yet it is migration to and from rural areas that has been the main concern of rural geographers in the last century , and so attention is now turned to the first major theme of this chapter , rural population change .
9 Two of these strategies directly relate to the topics to be considered next in this chapter , namely ( 2 ) the provision of facilities ( rural service provision ) and ( 1 ) socioeconomic conditions ( rural deprivation ) and so attention is now turned to rural service provision and rural deprivation .
10 The trends outlined above are , of course , only broad averages to set the scene and so attention is now turned to more detailed and more specifically geographical studies .
11 In the meantime one way in which the impact of second homes and other recreational uses could be more effectively assessed could be the development of theoretical models and statistical relationships , and so attention is now turned to this topic .
12 There was a current copy of the local rag lying on the chair beside him : he had read The Times and the Independent and now turned to the more microcosmic news .
13 The principal focus of attention now turned to particular Soviet industries , calling for the analysis of specialised technical journals and monographs , which had never been looked at previously by Western researchers .
14 Convinced that he was getting somewhere at last in his search for admissible evidence , Shaughnessy now turned to several other lines of inquiry .
15 Attention is now turned to deducing the signal responses of both active and passive nonlinear networks , a topic of great importance in view of the key roles that nonlinear devices play in electronics .
16 In the mud , which the shelling had now turned to a consistency of sticky butter , troops stumbled and fell repeatedly ; cursing in low undertones , as if fearful of being overheard by the enemy who relentlessly pursued them with his shells at every step .
17 They go because they need to cover some sort of guilt , I 'm convinced of that now , the more people that I know I mean fib of all people fib is now turned to religion .
18 Mrs Grant now turned to Agnes who was kneeling by her side and said , ‘ Oh !
19 More people are now turning to the bottled version as an alternative to tapped
20 His war wound which had pained him earlier was now turning to agony .
21 Meanwhile many intelligent deaf people who might have gone into education , but now finding these opportunities non-existent because of the Education Act of 1893 which had implemented the Royal Commission for the Education of the Blind and the Deaf and Dumb 's recommendations , were now turning to missioner positions in deaf societies and institutes for a living .
22 Okay now turning to the radio .
23 With the French links well established in East Lothian , eyes are now turning to Rosignano , Musselburgh 's other twin town in north Italy .
24 Now turning to the , the the good news and that is that the Lincolnshire Flood Defence Committee was set to increase after ninety-four , five which is some twenty per cent below the normal three-four level .
25 So now turning to the point which er I think you asked us to address .
26 Today pensioners from Nuffield Press in Cowley and Hazel , in Aylesbury were amoung hundreds lobbying Parliament , with the shortfall affecting up to two hundred people in the region they 're now turning to the government for help .
27 Alot of local councils and alot of private industry under deregulation are now turning to the buses .
28 I now turn to a consideration of some implications of the cognitive neuropsychology of face recognition for phenomenology — an approach to the mind and mental phenomena that gives prominence to introspectible ‘ phenomena ’ understood as acts of consciousness and their immediate objects .
29 We now turn to two aspects of Marx 's and Engels 's anthropological theory which are more directly central to their critique of capitalism than those topics discussed so far ; the evolution of labour and property .
30 Now turn to the country .
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