Example sentences of "now turn [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One now turns to his indexes with a sense of delicious anticipation , and here there is no disappointment .
2 Our discussion now turns to this aspect of contemporary Britain .
3 As he continues with the prayer that those who receive the sacrament may " be fulfilled with all hevenly benediction and grace through Jesus Christ " , so Rolle in The Form of Living now turns to a description of the interior awareness of this fulfilment .
4 Resuming the A.87 at the Killilan junction , the road now turns between banks ablaze with gorse and enters the populated environs of Dornie , bypassing the separate community of Ardelve and reaching the village over a long road bridge .
5 Mathematics and natural philosophy are concerned with ideas , and Berkeley now turns from them to spirits , of which God is a special case .
6 He now turns from his broadside position and thrusts with open jaws at his rival who , however , continues his broadside threatening , so that his unprotected flank is presented to the teeth of his enemy .
7 It is to the processes of this second reformation that Hilton now turns in chapter seventeen onwards , likening them to the gradual progress in recovery of full health after the medicine that effects the basic cure of the disease ( spiritually speaking , penance ) .
8 At this Agnes now turned on her mother , crying , ‘ Yes , I 'll tell you , Mother .
9 The intolerance he had shown for free-traders before 1914 was now turned on rebel Unionists who rocked the coalition boat .
10 If half the lights are now turned off what fraction of the building is
11 But , beware , because even a cursory flip through will leave thumps in throat at the thought of so much majestic machinery now turned into razor blades .
12 From the elegant small lounges to the beautifully appointed bedrooms located in the villa ( or in the neighbouring annexe residence at a reduction ) , and the former stables now turned into a charming restaurant , everything here speaks of innate good taste .
13 The very conditions which had originally supported the expansion of the model now turned into limits to its further development .
14 The distant hills were burnt to the ashen colour of the landscape Martini 's horseman rode through , each crowned by its sweltering farmhouse , now turned into a holiday home .
15 The light was not on in his room behind him , and from outside Mr Wolski might have seemed no more than an insubstantial shape , the reds and blues of his pyjamas now turned into grim black stripes against white , such as some of the prisoners in Nazi death camps of the Second World War had worn .
16 With various delicate transitions that left me sighing in assent , the film now turned into a gentle parodic love story , the girl civilizing Spunk — teaching him how to dress , eat , speak — and Spunk decivilizing her : teaching her to kick the booze , the pick-ups , the self-destruction , the money ( they go primitive for a while , after Spunk has an urban breakdown .
17 This , diverted , now turned into a recital about every distant relative Neil Cochrane possessed , all of whom , apparently , had only one wish — to see him back in polite society again .
18 She had no intention of dancing another record with him ; Callum 's hands were far too slippery — in fact she was beginning to regret having anything to do with him at all ; the pleasant , confident smile that had greeted her at the beginning of the evening had now turned into a quite definite leer .
19 The traditional cattle raids have now turned into full-scale battles with machine-guns replacing spears .
20 And it was to this man that almost everyone now turned as the rather quiet , rather cultured , rather interesting , wholly English voice began to speak :
21 Eyes , including Morse 's , now turned as if by some magnetic attraction towards John Ashenden , who sat , his eyes unblinking , in the front row of the seats .
22 The focus of the meeting now turned to the question of how these results should be released .
23 Mick now turned to his aunt and asked , ‘ Did Carrie pass her test ? ’
24 Millie now turned to Ben , and he shrugged his shoulders , saying , ‘ It 's up to you ; but I could bring you back tomorrow , if you would like that ? ’
25 The closure of the American office was a temporary set-back ; attention was now turned to Europe .
26 Yet it is migration to and from rural areas that has been the main concern of rural geographers in the last century , and so attention is now turned to the first major theme of this chapter , rural population change .
27 Two of these strategies directly relate to the topics to be considered next in this chapter , namely ( 2 ) the provision of facilities ( rural service provision ) and ( 1 ) socioeconomic conditions ( rural deprivation ) and so attention is now turned to rural service provision and rural deprivation .
28 The trends outlined above are , of course , only broad averages to set the scene and so attention is now turned to more detailed and more specifically geographical studies .
29 In the meantime one way in which the impact of second homes and other recreational uses could be more effectively assessed could be the development of theoretical models and statistical relationships , and so attention is now turned to this topic .
30 There was a current copy of the local rag lying on the chair beside him : he had read The Times and the Independent and now turned to the more microcosmic news .
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