Example sentences of "now go back " in BNC.

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1 Now to go back to the example of the cooker , if you do say that in the showrooms you will certainly be asked to sign a legal document .
2 We need now to go back to the death of Archbishop Conrad of Mainz on 20 October 1200 .
3 This now goes back to the ordinary grants money .
4 Yes well , erm I think I mean I I did check with the various trustees last week and the current position is erm there was basically a four hundred and sixty million that er that was the original missing figure , to which now goes back over two years er recoveries have come to into over a hundred thousand now with the
5 ‘ We are now going back to our roots , ’ said Principal Paul Beasley-Murray .
6 I put on , on large number of them more editing is needed I , I think probably now going back , oh change of tenses obviously something you have to watch out for .
7 Now going back to it .
8 Now going back to this this strike erm
9 I am now going back to the name ‘ Centurion Coins ’ which many customers will know from years past .
10 Now going back to the maybe
11 But on the other hand I think the erm social work is now going back again to a situation where it 's really rather more specialized .
12 Now going back , at this particular day , I have forward reminders er , they represent different sorts of forward reminders , so I 'll go through those in detail .
13 Now going back into the Hebrew scriptures , you 'll find there that this sort of staying awake counsel , an idea was there long before the days of Jesus and the Apostles and people 's lives were involved in its state , even in those days , let's just let us have a look at one , Isaiah forty two eighteen to twenty now this terms it slightly different , but when you look at it and analyze it , you realize he 's talking about exactly the same thing , it 's regarding the nation of Israel who turned away from Jehovah , they were n't doing what they should be doing , or should 've been doing as he 's pleading with them look there , that look here , here you deaf ones , well we know the nation of Israel were n't all physically deaf , they were like we are , perhaps had a few deaf individuals amongst them , but
14 Now going back to administration , I 'd wade through , and it might say that the policy 's being delivered , so I 've got to set up a policy delivery call .
15 Now going back to this handicraft , although I said I really did n't want to be committed to all the meetings , I 'm quite happy to carry on with the handicraft , providing you do n't expect me to turn up at every meeting .
16 I mean it seems a bit ironic in that how that what the Communist Party had been striving to eliminate for the past twenty years , they 're now going back to recreating differences in society , but the most fundamental change is that how feudalism has gone .
17 That machine has now gone back to being called the Model 54 and will appear as a 45MHz TAB-packaged four-way , as it was meant to at one time .
18 That machine has now gone back to being called the Model 54 and will appear as a 45MHz TAB-packaged four-way , as had already been intended at one time .
19 he has now gone back to Little , Brown lock , stock and backlist , and LB is mighty pleased .
20 ‘ Major has now gone back to the animal refuge .
21 Now go back down and tell the Sisters to make tea .
22 Now go back to where you were ordered .
23 Now go back to our population of replicators , and see what the effect of erratic copying will be .
24 That 's it come round the Y , now go back to the G , start , where you going ?
25 Now if we 'd have the voice of the Funny Man guessed we would have had some postal contestant winners , but they now go back in the box with those yet to come in the next week .
26 They had become my friends and there was no way that I would now go back to being their problem dependant .
27 We must now go back to about 1920 when the whole subject could be described as pretty well bogged down .
28 Taylor said : ‘ Of course the players must now go back to their clubs and do their jobs , while all I have to focus on is our next match .
29 Research shows that fire bells induce panic and confusion or , even worse , people ignore them and wait for the PA announcement to say that the bells were a false alarm and everybody can now go back to bed .
30 Fabia knew then that , a semblance of dignity hers , she could now go back to her room .
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