Example sentences of "now [pron] see " in BNC.

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1 But now I see , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that I must alter the emphasis of the first part .
2 Now I see , he wrote , that I must abandon it as I have abandoned everything else .
3 I always thought it was too early , he wrote , and now I see that it is much too late .
4 Even now I see Khrushchev 's face in tears .
5 ‘ Oh , now I see ! ’
6 It was in the nature of a revelation but like all revelations , she thought , it has been just below the surface of my mind , lingering unrecognised , waiting , and now I see it and it is a familiar friend .
7 Listen , I go to places where once there were thousands of alpacas ; now I see hundreds of cows and sheep .
8 Now I see the spider as a fisherman waiting near his nets at the side of the streams of the air .
9 But now I see , from a recent incident , that people are not ill any more .
10 A man of ever-changing whims , and now I see you 're freed from your fearful collar , Midnight , you 'd do better to sign on .
11 Now I see why , ’ he said bitterly .
12 Now I see the hat has appeared in the lot of Maxwellian headgear purchased by the Sun for their mischief-making .
13 Then , as with fuller information he feels himself being moved in the opposite direction , he can say to himself ‘ Ah , now I see why I ought not to go ’ .
14 Now I see her as a potential suicide — the ultimate protest .
15 It makes sense to say , ‘ Ah , now I see what metals have in common with ’ ; but it makes no sense to say , ‘ Ah , now I see what things that look white have in common with ’ .
16 It makes sense to say , ‘ Ah , now I see what metals have in common with ’ ; but it makes no sense to say , ‘ Ah , now I see what things that look white have in common with ’ .
17 When I say , ‘ Now I see it as a duck ’ , am I saying that I have a certain Lockean visual sensation — that is , that the figure appears to me , in a non-concept-dependent sense of ‘ appears ’ , in a certain way — which I have found I always have when I am led by the accompanying text to apply the figure in a certain way ?
18 If ‘ Now I see it as a duck ’ did mean this , then the sensation would have to be such as to lead to the judgement ‘ a drawing of a duck ’ and not such as to lead to the judgement ‘ a drawing of a rabbit ’ .
19 She was younger than me and now I see how anxious she was to be what I wanted her to be .
20 Now I see it 's all about power .
21 Now I see the pattern of our nourishment laid down like our usefulness , by an old set of rules .
22 Now I see that it was — marginal .
23 " I have advocated this for a long time " , he declared , " and now I see that some of the shipowners are inclined to agree to it .
24 Now I see : you want a row .
25 But now I see I was wrong .
26 ‘ Well , ’ he said tersely , ‘ I do n't like it now I see it up there .
27 When I tried it on in Harvey Nichols it looked all right , but now I see it out here I realize how stupid and childish it looks . ’
28 A girl appeared in a black sloppy jumper , getting the last from a bottle of Squeezy , her hair up all round with wisps like a Victorian , like ( almost remembering , grabbing squirts it away ) my Ma … ( now I see her ) before she went ( now I do n't ) … away .
29 Yes , now I see the connection .
30 ‘ I said it was and now I see I 'm right .
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