Example sentences of "now [verb] any " in BNC.

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1 By relaxing the restriction , we are now allowing any number of genes to mutate simultaneously , and they can add any number , positive or negative , to their current value .
2 Besides planning excavations throughout the nation , then , the Conseil will now conduct any emergency works which arise , such as the preliminary excavations when a rail road or motorway is being built , or in any exceptionally difficult local cases .
3 A magnanimous gesture from the founders of the Open Software Foundation is needed now to heal any lingering breeches in the industry .
4 The price for tax purposes will now include any accessories added to a car after it is made available to an employee , unless these were made available on or before 31 July 1993 and excluding those worth less than £100 .
5 ( I an happy to report , however , that none of us now has any fear at all of dogs — indeed familiarity has made us quite fond of them . )
6 Thank you very much and we 'd like now to answer any questions that you may have .
7 UK workstation business manager , Peggy Heppelmann says they will now appear any time between September and next January , claiming Hewlett-Packard 's existing £3,877 , low-end 715/33 desktop remains very competitive with other entry-level systems , including Sun Microsystems Inc 's £3,655 Tsunami-based SparcClassic and IBM Corp 's £3,664 RS/6000 220W .
8 He now warns any potential franchisee to listen to the people who know : ‘ Talk to as many franchisees as you can ; do n't just listen to the franchisor 's side of the story , ’ he says .
9 On the taxation of relocation expenses , a statutory formula will now convert any of the new £8,000 exemption of removal expenses and benefits from tax that is unused into a number of days to reduce the period for which the tax charge on low or no-interest bridging loans is made .
10 Darwin , like Lamarck — as presented ( and misrepresented ) by Lyell — would now trace any degrees of difference , no matter how wide , to long-run divergences from common stocks .
11 Ferguson , for his part , can now look any supporter of his club in the eye and say that Gough having to commit the foul that debarred him from a Cup-tie verified the youngster 's ability to put an awkward pre-match situation out of his mind and play in a determined way that suggested his temperament was on the mend .
12 It is no part of my duty now to give any thought to the making of my own soul or the righting of what I have done wrong .
13 The sweets called marshmallows do not now contain any of the substance of the plant , being made up of gum , egg-white , flour , sweetening , colouring and so on .
14 Now ask any questions
15 His eyes narrowed dangerously , but she ploughed on regardless , too wound up now to pay any attention to the threat .
16 Now do any have any of you tried aromatherapy ?
17 He already trains apprentices , and now welcomes any potential carving students .
18 The Channel Islands and Isle of Man do not now suffer any special UK deemed domicile penalties .
19 The Wimbledon and United States Open champion , who will also miss next week 's grand prix tournament in Sydney and is unlikely to be fit for Tokyo the following week , has now lost any chance of overhauling Ivan Lendl as world No. 1 before the end of the year .
20 Inevitably signatories of the Convention must now deny any such intention , although when the provisions on transit rights were negotiated it was assumed ( or at least hoped ) that the United States would ratify the Convention .
21 Quite noticeable ones , I should imagine she has n't found it necessary up to now to make any special record of the other small vatic events — gasps , hesitations , groans , sighs — that the conversation must have involved .
22 Local commissioners can now accept any complaint from members of the public about maladministration in local government .
23 And although there are some MPs who think Clarke should go now to prevent any worse gaffes , it is only on past events rather than future possibilities that such decisions can be made .
24 Bournville , the community that has grown up around Cadbury 's Birmingham factory , is widely regarded as a company town , although from its foundation it has been open to people who do not work for the company and only a minority of the residents now have any link with Cadbury 's .
25 The decision was made by senior managers and Health Authority members , none of whom now have any local accountability .
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