Example sentences of "did [not/n't] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The second major effect of the introduction of private property occurred , according to Engels , as an indirect result of the change to patriliny , a state which he did not clearly distinguish from patriarchy .
2 Thus the interactions were all things which did not clearly put one of the protagonists in an agent position and the other in a patient position .
3 René Descartes , who attempted to discover truth by doubting everything he could manage to doubt , described the first principle of his method like this in A Discourse on Method , ‘ The first rule was never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such ; that is to say … to comprise nothing more in my judgement than what was presented to my mind so clearly and distinctly as to exclude all ground of doubt . ’
4 Can we not say that ‘ God was in the Buddha , teaching men the way of virtue and righteousness ’ , even though the Buddha did not clearly acknowledge God ?
5 Would-be practitioners of planning did not clearly understand the constraints imposed on their activities by external economic relations and pressures .
6 Although this last point is not in broad terms contentious , it should be noted that La Brant did not clearly establish criteria for judging complexity .
7 Of these , three did not clearly differentiate between the two systems .
8 the structural engineer 's design drawings did not clearly assign design responsibility to the steel fabricator
9 It was rarely possible to unambiguously identify incorrect memories , where descriptions were produced which did not clearly correspond to any junction on the video there was usually no way to decide what event the description represented an incorrect memory for .
10 Normality ratings did not clearly support this position .
11 The Teutonic mind , he said quickly , was no favourite of his : Mussolini , he implied , did not particularly dislike the Jews .
12 As usual on such occasions , Molyneaux looked a little embarrassed and out of place , as if he did not particularly relish the ‘ glad-handing ’ of strangers .
13 It did n't matter to her whether he kept it on or not , though she did not particularly like to see how his stump got so chafed and swollen .
14 This did not particularly matter .
15 He did not particularly like Franco whose view on life was rather cynical , redeemed only by the fact that he was quite willing to listen to Sandison 's halting efforts to tell his tale in Italian .
16 In the end only 11 per cent said they did not particularly lose more inches than previous dieting attempts had produced .
17 did not particularly interest the Semitic mind , what was meant did .
18 In the morning Miss Honey said to them , ‘ One or two of you did not particularly enjoy the last occasion when the Headmistress took the class , so let us all try to be especially careful and clever today .
19 Elephants , leopard , deer and bear were either shot or forced to move to the lowlands , which the colonists did not particularly covet .
20 He did not know where , and did not particularly care , except that it meant that the Establishment was on Amber Black , and every car had to have the magic mirror wand shoved underneath the chassis .
21 For herself she was unconcerned , she had never liked the cat , did not particularly like any cats , and found this one obnoxiously self-centred and cold .
22 He did not particularly like children , though he liked trains .
23 I thereupon telephoned Haines to tell him of my success and to urge upon him the necessity for extreme discretion , since what I had done was something of an embarrassment and I did not particularly wish to have my role publicised .
24 The thought of a cold , uncomfortable night alone on the hillside did not particularly worry him .
25 What caused me concern was , as I say , the slightly uncomfortable feeling that Eliot had been bounced into writing an article which he did not particularly relish doing and to which he would in any case have wished to devote much more reflection .
26 He once called liberalism a form of bigotry , but he did not particularly mind being called a bigot himself .
27 I could see that did not particularly please her , so I added , ‘ But your fame ranks with Shelley 's .
28 They did not particularly want that , but it was foisted upon them .
29 But even this low figure , which was officially quoted as being the number of entrants , did not properly represent the situation .
30 The panelled room , hung with dusty coats of arms , suited his self-esteem , for Dornberg was a very proud man who was convinced that Europe did not properly appreciate his military genius .
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