Example sentences of "did [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But that rescue mission had been stopped dead by the presence of the twenty thousand Frenchmen encamped in Frasnes who had been sent by the Emperor to make sure that the allied armies did not combine .
2 Lloyd George disarmed his opponents on Ireland with his Russian policy , and his opponents on Russia with his Irish policy , and they did not combine to oppose him .
3 In common with most bishops in the thirteenth century , especially those with university training , he did not combine his ecclesiastical duties with a high office of state .
4 What would our trade be , if we did not combine together ?
5 Some later Acts , such as that of 1853 disafforesting Wychwood Forest , did not extinguish common rights : common fields were to be set and cleared in each parish in compensation for the common rights which the forest inhabitants had previously enjoyed over the whole forest waste .
6 Trilateralism was certainly an effective antidote to isolationism , even if it did not extinguish the assertiveness shown by the Lord Chancellor 's Department in securing a faster growth in the rate of expenditure on the courts and legal aid than did the Home Office on the police and prisons .
7 Their direct-action tactics did not aim at involving large numbers of people in militant action ; they were propaganda stunts designed to attract an audience .
8 I did not aim at making my style ‘ Italian Gothic ’ my ideas ran much more upon the French to which for some years I had devoted my chief study .
9 While the more broadly based Architects and Antiquaries Club , founded in 1819 , while attempting to be an academic institution , did not aim to answer the growing need for a professional association .
10 The college authorities did not aim solely or mainly for brilliant scholars or outstanding athletes , but to develop and train those who were capable of a good pass or honours degree .
11 The political press , directed as it was to a small , literate and politically informed public , did not aim to capture its readers with an entertaining and interesting package .
12 It did not aim for the situation that we 've been discussing , where people are trying to get the information .
13 This was a novel requirement and appeared inconsistent with the decision of the Lords in Newbury , where the defendants did not aim the stone , which killed the victim , at him .
14 Such an objective would be ill-founded if the process of integration did not aim also at the Community 's complete monetary integration which can only be achieved through the establishment of a European currency union .
15 She did not aim for sleep , though , but lay there for an age wanting some of her anger back .
16 It did not clarify who Neman Refat was .
17 A formal acknowledgement of the independence of Korea signified the end of Chinese domination there , but did not clarify Japan 's position in the country .
18 In a response to my hon. Friend the Member for Newham , North-West ( Mr. Banks ) on Thursday , the Prime Minister made it clear that he would not be supporting the Wild Mammals ( Protection ) Bill , which will come before the House on Friday , but did not clarify whether he is in favour of a ban on fox hunting .
19 They documented the transmission of P cepacia between 2 CF patients attending a summer educational programme , but did not clarify whether transmission had occurred by direct transfer of body fluids from one person to the other ( eg , droplet spread ) , or whether a contaminated fomite ( eg , a shared drinking container ) was responsible .
20 The first rehearsals of an opéra would often be chaos if his talents , or activity , did not clarify the performance .
21 When he was reviled , he did not revile in return ; When he suffered he did not threaten But trusted to him who judges justly .
22 Early in the year , SCS could report a record quarter for increases in sales , capital and membership , reflecting a picture of growth over the year that did not dispel fears of the adverse influence of political involvement on trade .
23 The dismissal of the Foreign Minister Argaña in July for publicly stating that the ruling Colorado Party would never give up power [ see p. 37651 ] did not dispel fears that the government 's undertaking to hold free elections in 1993 would be broken by his " stronista " ( Stroessnorist ) wing of the Colorado Party .
24 This did not dispel rumours , however , that the resignation was part of an effort to clean up the image of the justice system .
25 The fact that it was not long after that similar if lesser welfare legislation was introduced is indicative of the public demand and that clerical socio-moral theory did not tally with the people 's experience of reality .
26 If the second measurement did not tally exactly with the first , it meant that there was something wrong with the patient 's stomach .
27 As tension at the count at Hummersknott School mounted , a worried gaggle of counters informed the Returning Officer the number of ballot papers did not tally with the number who had cast votes .
28 We held an investigation and realised that some of the records held by the accounts departments did not tally with the real situation .
29 And yet … the sun might shine , but it did not shine in her life .
30 Wilson in particular did not shine in comparison .
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