Example sentences of "did [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 At the same time as the Dresden Gallery for Old Masters reopened , so did the former Rustkammer , or weapons collection of the Princes of Saxony .
2 Did the former occupants lend their ghostly beings to the hordes of Roman spirits reputed to wander hereabouts ?
3 In the capital , Bogotá , the ruling Liberal Party ( PL ) suffered a notable set-back ( as did the former guerrilla April 19 Movement ( M-19 ) ) , losing a council seat with their support falling by 30,000 votes .
4 ( The system of local government would enjoy less power than did the former local Soviets . )
5 But er just er just different er Then during the war I I did the some of the er work for the cooperative you know , like fire damage or water damage and that you know .
6 The trip to Italy went well as did the few days when one of the twins , ( full name Alexander ) was with us .
7 So I rung them again and said it was dangerous and they came out more or less straight away and did the few holes at the top .
8 Did the same again .
9 Ashton did the same when Daphnis competed for Chloë 's attention in his interpretation of Ravel 's Daphnis and Chloë .
10 It did the same again in January 1985 ; when the pound fell to $1.12 banks were instructed to raise interest rates by 1.5 per cent .
11 They organised 12-car rallies around the Cambridge Fens , asking every local resident for permission to hold the event and then , when the snow caused the event to be called off , they did the same thing again .
12 These two men did the same sort of job .
13 But apart from that incident , it was a great show and he did the same kind of thing in Seattle , Kansas City and the sort of cities in the Mid West where they had n't heard of him — it was too early — but Tony DeFries was as good as his word .
14 The cathedral 's architect , Antonio Gaudi , did the same until his death in 1926 .
15 California 's Apple Computer did the same thing in a bigger way last October , when it halved the price-tag on its popular Macintosh model .
16 Both Zbigniew Brzezinski , who headed the National Security Council under Jimmy Carter , and Robert McFarlane , who did the same job for Ronald Reagan , joined the Centre for Strategic and International Studies on leaving office .
17 But once it became clear that most Algerians supported Iraq , the FIS quickly did the same .
18 Steele did for a century partnership and then Willey did the same ; but when Greig was out near the close of play , with the board on 303 for 5 , there was a pitch invasion by , for the most part , West Indian fans .
19 The pharmaceutical industry unwisely did the same and instituted an expensive advertising campaign .
20 ‘ A woman did the same in the west country . ’
21 He did the same when she had friends there .
22 He would provide food for his visitor and Gina did the same for hers .
23 I realized I just had to accept him for what he was , and when I learnt to do that , he did the same to me - accepted me without question , in all my imperfection , in all that made me unworthy of him .
24 Immediately you touched those bones , and all the others did the same , laughing and jostling to get at the coffin .
25 Again , although I visited her regularly , taking little presents ; remembered her birthday and saw to it that her sons did the same ; looked after her once when she was ill ; and respected my husband 's love for her , I did not take much notice of her suggestions : ‘ My mother seems to think …
26 The man did the same again as he turned the paper , revealing to Mungo the front page with its lurid headline : ‘ BIRD 'S HEAD CLUE TO GIRL 'S DEATH .
27 Blake noticed that people used more than words when they communicated with each other , and realised that horses did the same .
28 She cooked , she cleaned , she shopped , she walked Pilade , she saw to her lodgers — day after day she did the same things at the same time , and instead of being driven half mad with boredom , insane with frustration , she found herself strangely at peace .
29 Care of the unfortunate was a general duty which people met with generosity and tenderness , and they were not surprised when the state did the same .
30 The others did the same , and yawned .
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