Example sentences of "did [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Did rush eternal through the darkling space ,
2 They looked like anatomies of death , they spake like ghosts crying out of their graves , they did eat dead carrions , happy where they could find them , yea , and one another soon after , insomuch as the very carcasses they spared not to scrape out of their graves , and if they found a plot of water cress or shamrocks , there they flocked as to a feast for the time , yet not able long to continue therewithal , that in short space there were none almost left , and a most populous and plentiful country suddenly left void of man or beast .
3 The sharpest clash occurred in the village of Bezdna in the eastern province of Kazan " , where a certain Anton Petrov began claiming that the statutes really did grant wholesale freedom .
4 Lynda says that she did think long and hard about changing careers — not least about the fact that as a Stoy 's partner she could soon be drawing a six figure profit share , compared to the substantially lower salary she would get at C&R .
5 One leading poverty campaigner says : ‘ With the previous reviews at least they did consult outside bodies .
6 There was no feeling , as there was among Catholics , that priests were indispensable : heads of families could and did conduct simplified forms of service in front of their domestic icons .
7 Émile Chaillot , however , did remain seated , a restraining hand on his wife 's arm .
8 Not only is the method not scientific but , to the extent that Marx did make certain historical prophecies which can be related to empirical evidence over long periods of time , these can be examined and by and large they have not proved to be valid .
9 ( The Supply of Goods ( Implied Terms ) Act 1973 , which introduced statutory control over exclusion clauses in sale contracts did make certain clauses " void " , and there are provisions making contract terms " void " in other legislation , such as the Consumer Credit Act 1974 . )
10 When they did make extensive use of it for coinage , however , the high zinc and low iron content of the coins indicates that they must have used metallic zinc rather than cementation .
11 What it did make possible was stalemate ; and that was what happened in the 1540s .
12 Although they were not avowedly political , they did make political pronouncements and had a ‘ privilege of approaching the Throne ’ which , by the end of the nineteenth century , had lapsed through disuse .
13 However , they did make important contributions to the education of local residents involved in the problems of vandalism , lack of recreational facilities and housing .
14 Out there in peaceful Vancouver , going about our ordinary daily tasks , even though they did make sizeable contributions to the war effort , there were some of us who felt we were not doing enough , and some of us who wanted to get into ‘ the action ’ .
15 Though , as I mentioned , I was unable to make contact with Mr Mint , a letter accompanying his essay did make clear the unfortunate fact that its standard — or perhaps the startling originality of its thinking — did not meet with the examiners ' approval .
16 Now Botswana could not cut itself off from South Africa during the long years of apartheid but Botswana did make clear that it opposed apartheid and voiced this very strongly and much to the annoyance often of the South African government .
17 I never had a lot to do with the pig 's head , but it did make lovely potted meat .
18 Mr Jones said : ‘ He did make reference to the letter in the speech that he made and he did make positive noises but whether they will translate into positive actions we 'll have to wait and see . ’
19 However , it must be emphasised that all the women who chose not to register for work actually did want paid employment and took up any employment opportunities which arose ( Callender , 1986a ) .
20 As these young people were already disturbed these factors can not be claimed to have predated disturbed behaviour , but they did exist prior to the appearance of psychotic-like disorders .
21 The new congress did lack consequential leaders and congressional reform and the further weakening of political parties had brought about a variety of undesirable developments .
22 We could reject it at once , just as we might reject a deal which we did riot like .
23 Of course people did discuss public matters in public .
24 Whatever ensued , the United Company of Undertakers did not receive livery status , though they did excite sufficient interest to merit a sarcastic caricature from William Hogarth entitled ‘ The Company of Undertakers ’ , and with the motto ‘ Et Plurima Mortis Imago ’ — ‘ The Very Picture of Death ’ .
25 Unlike Scotland , where incest was punishable by death up to 1887 , or several American states , England had no civil law on incest in the nineteenth century , although the Matrimonial Causes Act of 1857 did include incestuous adultery as grounds for divorce .
26 No because the figure I quoted did include outstanding planning permissions for conversions .
27 Some did fall foul of the constables on a Saturday night .
28 Eventually she did fall asleep and at about three o'clock in the morning I woke her up .
29 Maybe I did fall asleep for a moment or two when I shut my eyes hoping to enter my dream again .
30 In Vienna the Secession did win representative status from the Austrian government and was , for example , able to mount exhibitions in foreign expositions .
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