Example sentences of "did [adv] even " in BNC.

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1 She scuffed at it with the tip of one brown brogue but it did not even smudge .
2 He did not even smile at her .
3 Some of the people sitting at the big table did not even raise their eyes .
4 The inquiry report did not even attempt to answer the question ‘ how many of the children were abused ? ’
5 The Convention of Human Rights did not even rate a half-hour adjournment .
6 They did not even all know each other , unlike a herd of cows , a coop of chickens , or a pen of pigs in communal mud .
7 Maggie was still screaming above her and she did not even notice until later that her own blood was added to the devastation of Maggie 's attic .
8 Moran made no gesture , did not even look around him .
9 We did not even have our own lavatories ; our employees had to go outside our part of the building to use communal facilities .
10 Home Office reports on football-ground safety in 1924 did not even raise hooliganism as an item on the agenda .
11 Quite apart from the intellectual and educational differences , they did not even share the same hobbies .
12 The bill claimed to be ‘ putting the patient in the driving seat ’ , but it did not even allow patients to be consulted if a hospital decided to opt out of regional health authority control , he said .
13 She did not even mention the military involvement in the rebellion or the officer widely believed to have led it , the cashiered Colonel Gregorio Honasan .
14 She did not even tell her father , John , aged 76 , of his wife 's death .
15 Mr Solarz , it turned out , did not even know which side of the bridge the tolls were collected on .
16 At issue is whether a foreign country can identify and successfully demand the repatriation of antiquities that it admits it did not even know existed until they turned up in a museum 's collection .
17 Botham did not even have much luck with the weather during his captaincy .
18 He did not even force a grin .
19 But Tug did not even look at them .
20 He did not even see her face .
21 Joe did not even hesitate .
22 But he did not turn , he did not even falter , because his head was up and his feet were pounding .
23 I remember how her country beginnings showed themselves then : she made no fuss about seeming to be lost , nor did she work herself up into a state as the aunts would have done , just stood there patiently and quietly while I untangled her and found the way ; and did not even grumble , although after that I let her decide where we should go , which was usually across a field near the sewage plant , and along a road near the gasworks .
24 Sadie did not even know what play or being nice was .
25 The porter did not even pause in his stride .
26 The animal did not even trouble to look up as Mungo passed ; probably feeling , as he did , that this part of the day was best enjoyed alone .
27 He did not even care when the teachers stared and some of the bigger boys made rude jokes about her shapely legs and body .
28 Today he was wearing long trousers and a very remarkable jacket , and it did not even matter that his shoes were too small for his feet or that the safety-pin at his throat was digging into his flesh .
29 Dorothea did not even mind when she lost her grip and wandered off down the avenues of the past , for sometimes she could accompany her , at any rate part of the way , and
30 And she did not even want to see , she thought , she had not enough interest to see round the place to which she was so anxious to consign her mother .
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