Example sentences of "well out to " in BNC.

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1 Towards evening , Ian thought that he had better make certain that everything was in order , before the Colonel returned , and telephoned his friend : ‘ Now Ian , everything is just as fine as it should be ; you can tell the Colonel that his good lady will be well out to sea by now . ’
2 Except in very calm and clear conditions flocks of birds are not easy to detect on the sea at any distance , and this , coupled with the shallowness of the water which may enable birds to feed well out to sea , probably results in many species being under recorded .
3 He went into the drink well out to sea off the island , by which time I was light on fuel and out of ammo .
4 Visibility was very poor and having been warned that barrage balloons were hoisted over the Liverpool area which had very recently suffered heavily in bombing raids , we went well out to sea before turning in to Speke , only to get entangled in a coastal convoy flying balloons .
5 Breeding on barren moorlands and tundra ; passing along coasts on passage , but well out to sea in winter , and rare inland after breeding .
6 Then it was northwards again heading across the more open stretches of sea towards Colgrave Sound , the rather dark and forbidding cliffs of Fetlar on the starboard bow with the low lying Out Skerries islands well out to the east .
7 So my reading of the evidence so far is that they did n't want a body lying around on the river bed , where it might come up sometime , or perhaps even be found by divers , but they wanted him carried under water well out to sea . "
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