Example sentences of "well as [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 So these beginning years focused on reality — the underbelly of creation as well as its brightness — which was of immense importance to the making of the man and his mind .
2 The book highlights such subjects as animism , Jewish , Christian and Hellenistic ‘ mythologies ’ ; the realities of health , sickness and death ; of nature — its seasons ( notably Spring and Winter ) and its glories , as well as its decadence ( we find no evidence for Djwa 's contention that ‘ the book moves through cycles of winter death followed by spring rebirth , ’ any more than for her ‘ structural myth ’ or ‘ controlling Orpheus myth ’ which form the foundation for her critique of the book ) ; of rationality and madness ; loneliness and intimacy ; of truth and treachery , prayer and protest ; of prophet and priest , doctors and teachers , angels and devils ; freedom and slavery , sainthood and sinning , wonder and despair , war and peace , love and loss , beauty and brutality ; regret and humour ; sensuality and discipline , joy and sadness ; of the greatness of God and his creation , and the pitiful smallness and incompetency of man ; the city and the breadth of nature itself : sea and air , rivers and countryside ; savagery and urbanity ; loss and its disappointing pangs .
3 Beautiful is the one titled ‘ Priests 1957 ’ ( in honour of the family name , as well as its traditions and responsibilities ; The Spice-Box Of Earth , p78 ) :
4 The sense of delight , of gentle wonder , the startled realisation of his sense of her bodily perfection and spiritual grace is consummated not merely in their mutual passion but more enduringly in that oneness which is beyond time and space , which understands the fragility of love as well as its strengths , its ethereal qualities as well as its physical needs .
5 The sense of delight , of gentle wonder , the startled realisation of his sense of her bodily perfection and spiritual grace is consummated not merely in their mutual passion but more enduringly in that oneness which is beyond time and space , which understands the fragility of love as well as its strengths , its ethereal qualities as well as its physical needs .
6 By 1960 , Sisson was a top Civil Servant ( 'civil to everyone , and servant to the devil' ) and had published a treatise called The Spirit of British Administration , memorable for its irony as well as its broad view of the subject .
7 It is a scene of national psychopathology that has its humorous moments as well as its deplorable aspects .
8 This helps to structure the content of its programmes as well as its public image , and until the mid-1980s , Radio I was aiming at the 16–25 age group .
9 In imitating gender drag implicitly reveals the imitative structure of gender itself — as well as its contingency .
10 Fenna is the dark force of the imagination as well as its golden dancing ; Fenna is chaos as well as order , and brings , on fiery dragon breath , the full danger of the chasm .
11 Merrill Lynch , the largest US broking firm , is planning a restructuring which could mean hundreds of redundancies affecting its overseas offices as well as its domestic base .
12 Indeed , with what he callls its ‘ huge range of expression ’ as well as its power to fill even the largest concert hall , Hardenberger feels that the trumpet is a particularly valuable instrument for the contemporary composer .
13 The Aral has lost 40 per cent of its surface as well as its fish and the fishing fleets that netted them .
14 If the Eucharist is that important , a second question follows : How can we help others to understand its theological significance as well as its mystery to which we subject ourselves in humility ?
15 We will consider its mystery as well as its glory .
16 To dwellers in a wood almost every species of tree has its voice as well as its feature : at the Passing of the breeze the fir-trees sob and moan no less distinctly than they rock , the holly whistles as it battles with itself , the ash hisses amid its quiverings , the beech rustles while its flat boughs rise and fall …
17 But this second mutation of Christianity was the work more of a change in the nature of the Roman world itself , its social and its political structure as well as its intellectual assumptions and its culture , than of anything we might call ‘ the impact of the barbarians ’ on it .
18 But the production as a whole is a very good one — quite good enough to convey the play 's power as well as its wit .
19 Instead of the present fixed ceilings on grants , Responsible Bodies ‘ should each be given an allocation representing the maximum amount of grant available for the year , limited to 75% of the teaching costs , after consideration of the quality and standards of work being done by the responsible body , as well as its proposed programme , the needs of the region in which it operates and the activities of other interested bodies in the region ’ ( Recommendations 5 , 6 ) .
20 The same critics pointed to the obsolete Victorian rationale of the Commission — which was established to plant trees for wooden ships and pit-props in a war in which timber would be a strategic material — and wondered aloud if the organisation as well as its activities should not be reformed or abolished .
21 It rims the experimental sites at Winfrith in Dorset and Dounreay in Scotland as well as its central laboratories at Harwell .
22 The following year the PLO fell apart , under attack from Syria as well as its own dissidents .
23 Much of what we have just talked about may seem far beyond our reach or experience yet , but it comforts us to believe that no exigency of life can ever rob the believer of accepting its transcendence as well as its immanence .
24 Similarly , if a body be sometimes in motion and sometimes at rest , we measure its period of rest as well as its period of motion by time .
25 The speed and endurance section of a Three Day Event is divided into four parts — sections A , B , C and D — which aim to test the stamina of the horse as well as its ability cross country .
26 Although income was more equally distributed among older people in Britain than in the other six nations , this emphasises the more universal impact of age discrimination in this country as well as its greater penalty .
27 Spiritual direction that ignores the structures of human emergence and its implied limitations as well as its possibilities will not be helpful to real human beings who are called to respond to God 's initiative in a truly human and whole manner ’ .
28 Its exceptionally shaggy coat , almost yak-like , covers its face as well as its body , and becomes matted and felted after a long winter .
29 The Tarentaise has also been exported and has breed societies in Canada and the USA as well as its own herdbook established in France in 1880 .
30 Canon , the Japanese consumer electronics giant , has entered the ferociously competitive audio market as part of a 10-year strategy to get into the world 's living rooms as well as its offices .
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