Example sentences of "no more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You can love them so much that you eat them all up , then there is no more affair .
2 Cowslip showed no more concern at Fiver 's tense manner than he had at anything that had gone before .
3 Once re-investigation becomes routine , the fact that a case has been referred for re-investigation should attract no more concern than the fact that a medical diagnosis has been subjected to the test of a second opinion .
4 I am pleased to hear from the hon. Gentleman that there is no more concern about trust status .
5 In a hotel corridor , a very tall man in a vest , braces and crumpled suit is stooped next to a door , demonstrating that he has no more notion of how a Savoy room key works than your ordinary mortal .
6 And Yet could put up no more resistance than William .
7 There was no more conversation until they reached Mr Zamoyski 's shop , where the cobbler was sitting on his front step , looking disconsolate .
8 But if Glenn had fallen ill now , rather than then , things might not have been so rosy because , he says , there are no more heart transplants at the Royal London Hospital .
9 No more mowing and everything else .
10 No more hunting for the size and type you need : everything in this set is presented neatly in its own specially-shaped hollow , with the size marked below .
11 No more midnight feasts until we 're married ! ’
12 They danced almost till dawn , till there was no more champagne and almost all of the other guests had long gone home .
13 No more notes , he wrote , no more queries , no more space in the work of X and time in the work of Y , no more symbolism , no more allegory , no more influence of X and legacy of Y , no more background and no more foreground , no more social this and political that , no more Heidegger and no more Heisenberg , no more still life and no more portraiture , no more collage and no more frottage , no more lines and no more surfaces , no more genius and no more talent , no more creation and no more mechanical reproduction , no more African masks and no more Cycladic figures , no more clowns and no more nudes , no more museums , no more galleries , no more group shows , no more one-man shows , no more public commissions , no more prizes , no more shit and no more vomit .
14 I 've told him no more sex till he gets back into shape . ’
15 JOURNALIST Neil Lyndon has just published a book which is a fierce attack on women entitled No More Sex War .
16 Non-fiction includes two important and controversial works : Susan Faludi 's Backlash : The Undeclared War against Women ( Vintage ) and Neil Lyndon 's No More Sex War ( Mandarin ) .
17 Anyone who watched the drubbing poor Neil Lyndon received for his attack on extreme feminism , No More Sex War , and has a taste for more of the same will relish Not Guilty : In Defence of the Modern Man ( Weidenfeld , February , £8.99 , 0 297 81216 5 ) , in which David Thomas reveals the fruits of his researches into how The Guys have been Really Hurting because of their treatment at the hands of women lately .
18 ‘ The book does n't get all poetic and mystical like Iron John and Fire in the Belly did , and it 's not an angry book like Neil 's [ Neil Lyndon 's No More Sex War ] .
19 They have no more idea of the public 's response to something musical than the average man in the street .
20 Do n't ask me what my new fox is meant to represent : I have no more idea than I imagine you have .
21 Mark Watson and John Warwick , joint co-ordinators , who double as NISW consultant and information officer respectively , are happy to talk to those who have no more idea about what they want to do than , say , look at child abuse in Texas , as they are to someone who can build on a clutch of ready-made contacts .
22 I 'd got a fumbling schoolboy with no more idea of what a girl needed than the man in the moon .
23 ‘ Fortescue is hopping like a cat on hot bricks , demanding something should be done , but he has no more idea than I what can be done .
24 ‘ I 've no more idea of who did this than the police apparently have . ’
25 The fit is polished as many times as it takes for the residuals to show no more evidence of a relationship with the X values — for the slope to be zero ; the slope usually changes by gradually smaller and smaller amounts , and converges on a stable result .
26 And this is a useful contribution I can not believe that the book jacket blurb was seen by Barry Gale ; it informs us that ‘ In 1859 , when Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species , he had no more evidence in support of his theory than did the creationists … ’ which is a caricature of Gale 's quite unexceptionable thesis .
27 ‘ There is no more evidence , ’ said the King very quickly , ‘ and now the jury will … ’
28 There is no more evidence for these suggestions , however , than for the possible suggestion that the office was largely honorary and created ad hominem for Molla Fenari , perhaps as an inducement to return from Karaman or as an additional honour when he did return .
29 One may deal briefly with Molla Arab 's supposed first period of office as Mufti , simply saying that there appears to be no more evidence for it than for the rest of Katib Celebi 's construction of the facts concerning the history of the office in the early years , which is not , however , to say that the statement ( or the construction , for that matter ) may be dismissed entirely ( cf. below , n. 166 , for example ) .
30 ‘ Ellis 's case is strengthened , obviously , but we 've no more evidence .
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