Example sentences of "than to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My objections were originally on the grounds of freedom , rather than efficiency , although in the event , so far as Britain was concerned , socialism led more to stagnation than to tyranny .
2 Eventually , formal administrative structures were created between the Task Force and local government , but the Task Force 's determination to implement specific projects rather than to help create a broader and longer-term strategy for the conurbation inevitably created tensions .
3 His or her job is to deal with the child 's physical needs ( e.g. arising from incontinence , lack of mobility or impaired speech ) rather than to help teach the whole class .
4 It is far easier to characterize a madrigal by Morley than it is to sing a song by Byrd , partly because singers respond more intuitively and quickly to Morley 's text-illustrative music than to Byrd 's learned ( but still rhetorical ) polyphonic word-setting , partly because a Morley text will often be a chain of discrete moments where a Byrd text is more complex in syntax and in the connection of its ideas .
5 Get it to analyse specific behaviour and situations rather than to censure you as a person .
6 Mr Smith assures us that this ‘ strength ’ is because the Labour Party owes more to Methodism than to Marxism .
7 ‘ I was expecting you , ’ Vic said , more to Emily than to Mungo .
8 I have found more difficulty teaching the relational model to computer students ( who want to think in terms of computer jargon and are looking for complications that do not exist ) than to management students .
9 These parties are ideologically sound , all likely in Moscow 's judgement to evolve into fully fledged Communist parties : no ideological hybrids here which owe more to Mussolini than to Lenin .
10 Accordingly , if anomalies appear in the results , this is attributed to defects in the experiment rather than to wilfulness on the part of the animals under investigation .
11 Over the years councils had been forced into deep conflict with Scottish ministers over matters which were too often more akin to right-wing dogma than to relevance .
12 All the evidence suggests that , when consulted , the people of Europe have a vision far closer to de Gaulle 's loose ‘ Europe à l'anglaise ’ than to M. Delors ' unitary state .
13 It is useful to compare differences rather than to look for one shape in isolation .
14 Might it be easier to measure this rather than to look directly for structural changes ?
15 It 's a more importantly to make sure it 's normal rather than to look for a problem with it but Now you 're not trying to escape , are you Jade ?
16 Recruitment adversiding advertising for example virtually ground to a halt as businesses started to shed er , people , rather than to look for them .
17 He was , therefore , at least until 1938 much more inclined to be hostile to Italy than to Germany .
18 These results owe less to diversification of any kind than to capital gains in the market for corporate control .
19 For the latter it is better to buy a tape , or to make your own , and listen to that , rather than to try to do it yourself as you go along .
20 If we are to explore the actual and perceived experiences of students , it may be better to work from their views rather than to try to squeeze them into some predetermined mould through questionnaires and attitude Inventories .
21 This growth owes more to the birth-rate than to evangelism : Muslims are younger than the rest of the population ( half the South Asians are under 16 ) and usually have large families .
22 This obviously applies to some areas of life more than to others , to choice of friends more than to the choice of legal argument in a court case .
23 This habit is more natural to some than to others , but conscious discipline is needed to extend it into every aspect of the farm .
24 Parents are more responsive to some characteristics of their children than to others , and also to some stages of their development than to others .
25 Parents are more responsive to some characteristics of their children than to others , and also to some stages of their development than to others .
26 This may come more naturally and easily to some than to others , but it is possible that where a prolonged conscious effort has been made to tap this creative source , greater understanding and appreciation result than where only little work has been needed .
27 Though in some ways Colin was quite close to his drivers — closer to some than to others — he was , in financial matters , something of a cheese-parer and though his sponsors were generally reasonably generous , even at the height of Lotus 's reputation he neither enjoyed the kind of largesse available to some teams nor , with his many other commitments and his fairly flamboyant life style , could devote all of what he did receive to his team .
28 If the earth is thought of as a billiard ball , then the water upon its face is like hammered gold leaf , adhering to some imperfections in the ball more tightly than to others , and in yet others not adhering at all .
29 Remember that some criteria are more applicable to certain categories of rug than to others ; for example , the fineness of the knotting is more critical in workshop rugs than it is in village or nomadic items .
30 For like a great many theories , it seems much more easily applicable to some kinds of text than to others ; one can see quite clearly its possible relevance to the sort of literature that the New Critics generally preferred to discuss , the lyric tradition from Shakespeare , roughly speaking , to Yeats ( Wimsatt and Brooks described their movement ( 1957 : 742 ) as ‘ neo-classic ’ ) ; but it is much less easy to see its relevance to the novel , or to much modern avant-garde writing .
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