Example sentences of "than a few " in BNC.

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1 We have also followed his preparations for the world title bout with Karpov , some of us , it must be confessed , with a certain amount of incredulity , since , however much these world championship matches are now dependent on stamina rather than brilliance , it has struck more than a few people that a chess player is not a footballer , in particular a fifty-year-old self-exiled Russian Grandmaster is not a footballer , and that to think that by training like one he will become as fit is not only an illusion , it is a dangerous illusion .
2 If full airbrakes are needed for more than a few seconds , and it looks as though they should be kept on , sideslipping should be used to get rid of the excess height so that for the last part of the approach less than full airbrake approach is required .
3 If your symptoms persist for more than a few days , then contact your doctor for advice .
4 Call your doctor for advice if symptoms persist for more than a few days .
5 Yet there were those who moved easily around the margins , and I am certain the profound effects of this liminal time extended to more than a few of us who made this transition into structural limbo .
6 If you are knocked out for longer than a few seconds , you should report to your doctor as soon as possible after the competition .
7 As she walked from the post office empty handed , she pretended to be an American tourist , one who could leave in a few days , one for whom the trip would soon be nothing more than a few travel stories and postcards .
8 The worst case was in July 1989 when an alternator set fell off at around 100mph at Harrow on the main line into Euston and caused a major derailment , fortunately with no more than a few injuries .
9 This is , of course , the Caucasus , a landscape jewel in the crown of the USSR , until recently little known to Westerners other than a few privileged mountaineers lucky enough to be invited to climb there .
10 First , at currents of more than a few amps , capacitors that can carry the current without suffering di/dt stress , heating stress , and MHz ringing tend to be physically large , and expensive compared with normal power supply capacitors .
11 The company 's employees have embarked on a strike that could seriously disrupt international air travel if it lasts for more than a few weeks .
12 From his universal nickname — Tenko — it will be surmised that Dennis demands more than a few laps of the pitch prior to a session in the pub .
13 It is a long list , but the SPSSX stepwise procedure seldom selected more than a few predictors as having a significant influence upon perceptions .
14 Although this is a fair wage , it is n't going to sustain a rock ‘ n ’ roll superstar lifestyle for longer than a few weeks , so it is only by sensible use of budgets that the real size of the advances can be put in context .
15 That was at most a couple of miles up the road and no more than a few pence on the bus .
16 It had been splendidly undemanding ; because of his family , she did not see him more than a few times a month , always meetings snatched at short notice and with absolutely no expectation from him that she would be available .
17 Ironically , fate intervened and he never did make that his career , which is probably just as well , since when he was given the task many years later of steering British Aerospace into the private sector he crossed swords with more than a few civil servants and did n't have a lot of time for them .
18 In practice , many though not all informals have no security of tenure over the site on which they work , have very few means of tying their small workforce to the enterprise for more than a few months , and may run out of their supply of recycled materials ( from the formal sector ) at any moment .
19 The truth he got , but , when he rose to his feet at the splendid Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre to declare the summit open , no more than a few people present had any inkling of what he was about to say .
20 I was obsessed by new clothes to the extent that I 'd lost interest in something if it was more than a few hours old .
21 Abel , for example , is obviously a Democrat , as he slipped more than a few anti-Reagan barbs into his presentation .
22 ‘ But where the sentence is substantial the offence will be grave , the risk the offender represents to the public can be significant and the difference which decision to grant or not to grant parole makes , may be more than a few months .
23 Little more than a century ago most people , even in industrialized countries , rarely travelled more than a few miles from their birthplace .
24 As long ago as 1976 , the marine resources committee of the FAO believed that ‘ populations of all three dolphin and porpoise species were probably being exploited in the Turkish fishery at levels they would not be able to survive for more than a few years . ’
25 No more than a few hundred of these are used with any frequency .
26 But even these can not afford to act as nursemaids to more than a few sick clients .
27 It will take more than a few scandal-mongers to sink him .
28 Few people in Japan expect Mr Gorbachev to make more than a few diplomatic utterances about the islands while in Tokyo .
29 Loverboy tries hard to be hilarious , but raises no more than a few laughs .
30 Although Frankie had been dozing , he was too hungry to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time .
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