Example sentences of "than on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In answer to your question , then , and with the works not yet in situ , I would say that we have to rely more on sensitivity than on geometry .
2 One of the problems of deciding how much of a person 's temperament is inherited is due to the fact that babies are usually brought up in an environment of both parents , or at least more than on individual , and that they take a while to grow and show many personality characteristics .
3 The emphasis in functionalist sociology is therefore on the values shared within and between classes , rather than on conflict as the basis of class structure .
4 At a slightly more abstract level , the unacknowledged influence of the functionalist model upon sociolinguistic theory is more pervasive even than the widespread use of the notion of prestige suggests ; an interesting example is Labov 's early definition of a speech community in terms of shared norms and common evaluation of the very linguistic variables which differentiate speakers ( Labov 1966 : 125 ) ; it is the emphasis on shared norms and values rather than on conflict which differentiates quite sharply Marxist and functionalist views of class .
5 Horses were ridden bareback , without the advantage of stirrups or saddle , and the riders were more dependent upon ability than on equipment .
6 Usually I spend money on fish rather than on equipment , as I could never afford all the trimmings for 20-plus tanks !
7 Yet a taxi driver told me recently that more money should be spent on Aids than on dementia because more people would die from it .
8 The literature on home-school-community relations has concentrated mainly on parental participation in school , rather than on school participation in the ‘ communities ’ of the school .
9 The yield is lower than on money market instruments ; they are safer .
10 If they are near to maturity then the yield will reflect short-term interest rates , though again the gross yield will be lower than on money market instruments .
11 Finally , the ‘ kinship defenders ’ are in harmony with a radical view of society in putting some emphasis on working-class self-help and self-determination , rather than on state paternalism , in finding solutions to social and personal problems ( for example , Holman 's suggestions about informal child care resources ) .
12 Suicide or self-injury , wilful self-exposure to peril ( except in an attempt to save human life ) , the influence of drugs ( except as prescribed by a registered medical practitioner other than for treatment of drug addiction ) or alcohol , or the person insured engaging in , during the period of holiday or journey , wintersports , mountaineering , racing ( other than on foot ) or other hazardous adventure .
13 Combined with this went an active physical life — fencing , rowing , and above all riding , the latter perhaps reflecting a feeling that he looked better on horseback than on foot , for his body was rather too long in proportion to his legs .
14 Yes benefits will not be paid if you are injured as the result of hazardous activities such as diving , mountaineering , rock or cliff-climbing , pot-holing , cycling , motorcycling , parachuting , sport as a professional , rugby , racing other than on foot , or aviation except Air Travel .
15 The physical aspect of my journey had collapsed : a heel injury became aggravated , with a cut almost in as far as the bone , and the rest of the tour found me on wheels or afloat more than on foot .
16 However , I prefer to do things about the house out of the goodness of my heart rather than on request and consider making a little tut noise with the tip of my tongue behind my top teeth .
17 Instead of packages , it is more likely that options based on a central processor and visual display unit will be offered , to enable buyers to spend more on input and output devices rather than on storage and printing facilities .
18 On pebble surfaces saltation is noticeably higher than on sand surfaces ( Fig .
19 Idealism here has nothing to do with ‘ ideals ’ in the ordinary English sense of ethical or spiritual values : it is connected rather with ‘ ideas ’ , and serves to label any kind of philosophy which puts the emphasis on mind , understanding and reason rather than on experience and the senses .
20 There are far fewer species in the oceans than on land , however , because there are no marine equivalents of the forest trees ; and it is the trees that provide such a myriad of habitats for land-based creatures .
21 Strangely , it seemed less dark out on the water than on land .
22 The west Antarctic ice sheet is more vulnerable than the ten-times-larger east Antarctic ice sheet because it rests on the ocean floor rather than on land .
23 Skylarks , suffering a national population decline , are recorded more often on organically-managed fields — both cereal and grass — than on land where conventional agriculture is practised .
24 There is an emphasis on browsing through nodes via links rather than on con-tent addressing where the facilities are often quite limited .
25 The difference is greater for selection on fertility ( top row ) than on survival ( bottom row ) .
26 Their conception of literature differed from his , however , on at least one fundamental point : they were much less interested in the experience of reading than in the objective features of the medium , the literary text itself ; and they therefore spent much less time on evaluation than on description and analysis .
27 Horizontal equity is met more nearly by a wealth tax than by a higher income tax rate on unearned income ( income from property ) or than on income from work .
28 It was felt that the main objective of the Tory government has been to discipline the unemployed and to lay the blame for their unemployment on them rather than on government economic policy .
29 Why would you expect the yield on treasury bills normally to be rather lower than on government bonds ?
30 His theory of man-in-society puts stress on the nature of man , whereas some of the sociologists put more stress on the society 's structure than on man .
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