Example sentences of "than [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What this means is that the taking of leisure is self-defeating ; the fact that one is one 's own boss adds to , rather than subtracts from , the psychological pressures to do housework .
2 And I know many older women who have found the kind of partnership that adds to their life rather than subtracts from it .
3 The change of style at the corner of Downing Street , on the other hand , would provide no greater contrast ‘ than occurs at every turn in the Grand Canal at Venice where Gothic and renaissance palaces constantly alternate to the great satisfaction of the artist ’ and would avoid the ‘ stereotyped monotony of a single style ’ .
4 Britain is in between with more constraints upon the media than happens in the USA , but more press reponing than in many Scandinavian countries .
5 Clearly , it shows a very much more complex structure than exists at the moment ( see Figure 3.1a ) .
6 The position of the mother would be one of even greater dependence than exists at the moment .
7 I mean , what we 're trying to do in the visual arts is to spend what limited money we have to produce a better situation for the visual artist and for the public who gets pleasure and enlightenment from visual arts than exists at the moment , so rather than just prop up the status quo , which is what is would be very easy to do if one just kept the pot boiling so to speak by giving a few grants to artists here and sitting at the centre of a spider 's web in Tunbridge Wells waiting for applications to come in to us and then responding .
8 This would be asking rather more of the social security system than exists under the present arrangements , for this payment would be made , not on the grounds of ‘ need ’ as with existing Supplementary Benefits ( SB ) , nor on grounds of compensation , as with ICA , nor on the grounds of purchased ‘ rights ’ as in the case of insurance benefits , but on grounds of work carried out .
9 But in 1979 , France joined with inflation of 10.4 per cent compared with 4 per cent in West Germany , a wider inflation differential than exists between Britain and Germany today .
10 Yet Labour has a bigger vested interest in there being a European Parliament which — during the transition to a more federal union — co-legislates with the Council , rather than exists as a largely powerless consultative assembly .
11 Bringing about community participation in forestry programmes would usually require a more equal pattern of land ownership and control than exists in most LDC 's , that is , require redistributive land reform .
12 This , of course , is a much more significant limitation on scope than exists in single-contract Conventions such as the Sales Convention , and in this respect the case for the second limb of application of the two latter Conventions is stronger .
13 This approach does however force the wireframe modeller to work at a higher level of understanding than exists in most present systems .
14 Comment was made this morning , er earlier on by Mr Timothy about the fact that the new settlement would be likely to generate a higher usage of transport than is the norm for Greater York , if I understood him correctly , erm , knowing the public transport system in Greater York , erm , I fail to see how he could possibly come to that conclusion , because bus services in the rural part of Greater York are very poor , clearly that 's partly because of the distribution of the rural population , and I fail to see that a settlement of the size being suggested would actually generate a level of usage of public transport any higher than that which ex already exists in the York in flat , and certainly no higher than exists within the exis existing urban area .
15 Despite the shortcomings , Tony Stuart 's book more than succeeds as an up-to-date review of the distribution and significance of British Pleistocene vertebrates .
16 What is more , Kylie herself profits rather than suffers from her not specially glamorous girl-next-door looks and produces an unstudied and effective portrait of a young , underage provincial girl who falls for Charlie Schlatter 's equally youthful sailor and gets dubbed a deliquent .
17 ‘ Oh yes , there have n't been the spectacular rises of the first few years , but we could guarantee a growth figure which more than copes with inflation .
18 Much civility , much comfort ( comfort in France ! ) made every arrangement pleasurable ; and all this without more vociferation or commotion than prevails at Paddington ; to say nothing of the second-class carriage being nearly equal to our first .
19 The insight that references to the outer world encroach upon , or are necessarily " always already " in the figure of metaphor — that metaphor works metonymically — is offered in support of the conclusion that the figural dimension subverts rather than co-operates with Marcel 's valorisation of the inner world .
20 We melted away again into the mists and learned to make our way back with unerring accuracy to places that were little more than pinpoints on the map .
21 One reason for their existence , for instance , may be what has been described above : the fact [ sic ] that writing establishes a different kind of relation between the word and its referent , a relationship that is more general and more abstract , and less closely connected with the particularities of person , place and time than obtains in oral communication .
22 Unfortunately , as we have seen , such an approach suggests a more complete , less messy and more fundamental change at the time of her study than seems to be justified by the continuing history of the 1970s .
23 Because of this , and because of its greater length , it would be more obtrusive in the context than Katherine Mansfield 's sentence , and would attach greater importance to the door-shutting than seems to be required .
24 The Times of 16 June was nearer the mark when it said ‘ … comments have gone farther in the direction of pessimism than appears to be justified ’ and reminded readers that ‘ the objects of the ZETA experiments were to produce and maintain high temperatures and to study the conditions in which these temperatures are produced as an aid to later stages in design . ’
25 It is in the interests of this country , therefore , to stand firmer now on foreign policy than appears to be the Government 's position .
26 This is a much more debatable — and debated — point than appears at first sight .
27 The distinction does arise and it can not entirely be neglected but it is much less important than appears at first sight .
28 There may prove to be less difference between some modern versions of Christianity and Buddhism and psychoanalysis than appears at first sight .
29 Such compound instructions may therefore be less useful than appears at first sight .
30 Those who have worked in the legal civil service report that it is much more interesting than appears at first sight .
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