Example sentences of "than [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Contracts other than contracts of sale of goods , are not governed by the provisions of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 .
2 Authorizing expenses , travel and recruitment are forms of bureaucratic control rather than manifestations of subordination .
3 The ability of a bigger bank to absorb a smaller one into its systems is a main reason why purchases of smaller banks bring up to three times bigger savings than mergers of equals .
4 The UN will provide legitimacy for what are little more than acts of international piracy and entirely consistent with the new world order strategy of ‘ destroy and abandon ’ .
5 Events in Vietnam , in many ways comparable although obviously complicated by the factor of French colonialism , were of infinitely less interest and for the moment seemed to require only a definition of attitudes rather than acts of policy .
6 The desk was anonymous and modern , blockboard veneered with mahogany , the legs no more than sticks of black metal .
7 Discourses of ‘ race ’ , sexuality , age , or class , may in some circumstances be more important influences on psychologists ' work than discourses of gender .
8 All these may be no more than attempts of testing control while there may be an underlying awareness that all is not well .
9 The Loan Guarantee Scheme ( LGS ) and the Business Expansion Scheme ( BES ) are government initiatives that have been set up in order to facilitate the channelling of funds from financial institutions to small businesses ( thus these schemes are ‘ enabling mechanisms ’ rather than forms of financial intermediation ) .
10 Nevertheless , Merovingian kings with the same mother were more likely to cooperate than sons of different mothers .
11 It was not possible suddenly to change direction , yet the damage being done to education was obvious as campuses sometimes resembled market-places rather than institutions of higher learning .
12 The point also holds for those postgraduate courses which are hardly more than programmes of professional training .
13 In the tradition of Advaita or non-Dualism he refers to the soul , ( Ātman ) , and God , ( Brahman ) , as knowers rather than objects of knowledge and claims that it is not possible for mortal beings by the use of reason alone to know the knower of knowing .
14 He found it difficult to get worked up about buildings and tended to think of landscapes as habitats rather than objects of aesthetic concern .
15 She holds seminars on ‘ The Tao of Management ’ ( about ‘ working with the moment rather than patterns of the past , and using that to attempt predictions of the future ’ ) .
16 Although there is no reference to crime in the Act of 1978 which corresponds to the reference in section 6 of the Act of 1935 , it is hardly to be supposed that Parliament , while creating a considerable extension of the right of contribution in cases other than cases of tort , nevertheless intended to narrow the right to contribution previously given to tortfeasors by the Act of 1935 .
17 In the study ( Levinger & Clark , 1961 ) emotional words were shown to produce higher fluctuations in galvanic skin response ( GSR ) than non-emotional ones , free-associates produced to these words were less likely to be subsequently recalled than associates of non-emotional words produced at the same time .
18 Apart from the assumed humanitarian philosophies of most US politicians and citizens , nothing is better designed to drive poor countries into the arms of the communists than shortages of food .
19 On the tides of Dublin or London they were hardly more than specks of froth but together they were the aristocratic Morans of Great Meadow , a completed world , Moran 's daughters .
20 As organizational head of all CIA operations on the North American continent , Hayman literally had greater power than heads of State or European monarchy .
21 The logic of this means that the majority of directors tend to be account executives — the people with the main responsibility for maintaining contact with the client ( see page 46 ) — rather than heads of departments .
22 It can be used by portfolio managers wishing to create displays for individual clients , including the percentage changes between specific dates and graphs of each price history and has already proven popular with City stockbrokers who prefer to scan graphs rather than lists of prices .
23 The Commission accused Macierewicz of " hypocrisy and an attempt to avoid the eventual legal consequences " in claiming that the documents were " informative " rather than lists of collaborators ' names as the Sejm resolution demanded .
24 Few books can have captured so powerfully and quickly the imagination and appealed to the religious yearnings of a gullible public than Chariots of the Gods and its successors .
25 Ratings of radio news were less predictable than ratings of television but they too were influenced by recent political interest , motivations for following the campaign , and degree of party preference .
26 Flora 's article would do more good than months of jumble sales , bring-and-buy fairs , charity fetes .
27 Their compositions fall into two major groups : copper , usually with no more than traces of other elements ; and alloys , either tin-bronze or leaded tin-bronze .
28 Overall , readers of highbrow papers were less likely to allege bias in their own paper than readers of middlebrow or lowbrow papers but the differences were surprisingly small .
29 Surprisingly , readers of the highbrow press found their papers scarcely any more useful than readers of the lowbrow press .
30 Support for the Alliance was weaker amongst readers of the tabloids than readers of the quality press : all perhaps as expected .
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