Example sentences of "than [art] year " in BNC.

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31 Gryschenko , from Kiev , married and with a child less than a year old , joined with all the team working long into the night at Hamble to prepare Fazisi 's bare hull for the race .
32 In the US , meanwhile , there was a sharp jump of 0.9 per cent in September wholesale prices , which were 4.5 per cent higher than a year ago .
33 AN ADDITIONAL series of allegations that Serious Crime Squad detectives in the West Midlands Police fabricated confessions were not disclosed to the public and the Police Complaints Authority for more than a year .
34 It does not seem generally known that for more than a year after VJ Day more than 120,000 Allied POWs were kept in internment camps in Java .
35 Here was a student who overworked for more than a year and needed rest ; who was already in an emotional condition by the recognition of the highest ideals and their obligation upon him ; and then , instead of the rest which he needed , he had to endure the utterly unexpected death , in very distressing family conditions , of the person in the world to whom he felt nearest .
36 The waiting period for Entry Certificates at the British Consulate in Bombay is more than a year .
37 We have been in Britain more than a year now , so the Home Office has extended her visa , but each time they extend it it is only by three months or six months so that she is never eligible for school .
38 Less than a year from launch , the Bugatti 110 is slowly emerging from the shadows .
39 The European common shrew , found throughout Britain but not in Ireland , lives for less than a year .
40 Mr Kinnock also sprang a surprise by restoring Ms Clare Short to the front bench less than a year after she resigned as spokeswoman on Employment in an acrimonious row with Mr Kinnock over the party 's stance on the Prevention of Terrorism Act .
41 I was made redundant less than a year after I became a Sheffield city councillor , and I 've never believed in those sorts of coincidences .
42 The number of people out of work and claiming benefit for more than a year fell by 61,000 to a seven-year-low of 613,000 in the third quarter of the year , the Department of Employment said yesterday .
43 Less than a year later it appears even this will be inadequate .
44 The four-point agreement follows more than a year of contacts with the Fund by Peru 's foreign debt negotiator , Abel Salinas , and is an about-turn by President Alan Garcia .
45 The report — which has taken more than a year to prepare in one of the most complex inquiries undertaken by Sir Anthony 's office — will address the question of when the department first became negligent if it is shown to have been aware of the possible difficulties .
46 Mr Gordon Brown , shadow trade secretary , asked : ‘ Why have we had to rely on the Ombudsman to confirm the mismanagement , the maladministration and incompetence that was widely known more than a year ago ? ’
47 America 's retail sales fell in November , for the fourth consecutive month , and were 1.7% lower than a year ago .
48 Long-term unemployment , defined as people out of work for more than a year , is rising for the first time in five years .
49 In January 1990 the total debt of government , business and consumers in America was 7.6% higher than a year before .
50 Even before provisions against third-world debt and local-authority swaps , Midland made only £616m in 1989 — 11% less than a year earlier .
51 A task force sent out by the House of Representatives ' banking committee estimates that sorting out America 's savings and loan mess could cost as much as $162 billion more than the $50 billion authorised by Congress less than a year ago .
52 Why it should have taken more than a year for this to soak in is unclear .
53 By dumping the new arrivals less than a year later , BZW , chaired now as then by Sir Martin Jacomb , has shown up its American adventure for the opportunistic grab it was .
54 For more than a year , the Poles have been engaged in a brave , almost quixotic attempt to transform a moribund command economy into a lively free market , and they are now suffering the growing pains of a capitalism devoid of capital .
55 More than a year after the revolution , the euphoria has faded .
56 More than a year passed .
57 One such building in the suburb of Karlshorst was a Stasi training centre less than a year ago , and has now been handed over to local artists , who have turned it into a Kunst Haus ( art house ) and bar .
58 When less than a year later she topped the bill with Jason at a Children 's Royal Variety show at the Dominion Theatre she was not about to make the same error of judgement .
59 For more than a year — ever since her début album became a worldwide number one — she had fiercely resisted every pressure to capitalise on her phenomenal record sales with a series of live stage shows .
60 He liked to live in company with another ; Bo-Bo had only negative virtues but , he had to admit , he would be lonely when she died , and the doctors gave her no more than a year .
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