Example sentences of "than [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We recognize , too , that a healthy lifestyle contributes more to looking good than skilfully used cosmetics .
2 Reshevsky 's style of play was fast and fluent , rather than ponderously strategic .
3 If only some can be verified , the non-observation statement will be no more than weakly verifiable .
4 Lieutenant Guss Braden is called in to unravel the mysterious death and finds himself becoming more than professionally interested in Blair .
5 First , in the sense that unlike words or utterances , images signify iconically , i.e. through resemblance , and hence are less different from referents than properly linguistic signifiers .
6 Realistically , there may be little prospect of making better progress than this so long as the systems themselves remain largely no more than promises rather than commercially available products .
7 It may be scruffy , but it is where one belongs , and the only place one ever will belong : a world of pub-going rather than café-haunting , usually more self-examining than woundingly self-critical , and pleased ( even grateful ) to be alive , in a cautious sort of way .
8 This second relationship arose from an ingenious cover-up to a less than wholly honest piece of political self-enrichment .
9 But Downes appeared not to hear the supplementary questions , and Dixon nodded to the constable who stood at the door , the latter now making for the canteen on a less than wholly specific mission .
10 Perhaps my slightly jaundiced view stems from the fact that I was expecting that a book based on a workshop on the physical and neuropsychological basis of music would contain some physics , or at the very least some reasonably quantitative science rather than somewhat vague speculations .
11 Parents can overdo the restraints , setting narrow ‘ Victorian ’ limits rather than sensibly broad ones .
12 Maybe they too are rational rather than irrational , morally disreputable rather than organically abnormal , overwhelmed by adversity rather than by wickedness .
13 This satisfaction is relative , one or either may emerge less than entirely happy with the result .
14 Thus , while Tough 's work may provide some interesting ideas for dealing with functional aspects of spontaneous speech , it may be less than entirely satisfactory as a means of obtaining reliable and objective assessment information .
15 Such a move is less than entirely satisfactory because the relationship between the theory of competence and the data on which it is based ( ultimately intuitions about acceptability ) becomes abstract to a point where counter-examples to the theory may be explained away on an ad hoc basis , unless a systematic pragmatics has already been developed .
16 There is no suggestion that these honours were ‘ bought ’ , nor that the recipients were anything other than entirely worthy and deserving .
17 The ordinary revenue of the Crown fluctuated throughout Elizabeth 's reign : it is impossible to make anything better than highly approximate estimates .
18 Yet within Whitehall there was a marked reluctance to accept the implications behind such evidence ; officials tended to fall back on the convenient explanation that the ‘ problem evacuees ’ revealed in September 1939 were a product of poor-quality home life among some sections of the working class rather than highly exaggerated cultural differences or poverty .
19 There was much use of natural materials , and craftsmen expected like medieval masons to be given general rather than highly specific directions .
20 But are our bodies and our selves truly nothing more than highly complex , sophisticated machines ?
21 The internal divisions grew more rather than less apparent , however , enhanced by the populist politics from the 1890s onwards , and the imperialist ambitions , though more and more strident , were gravely disappointed .
22 While even the richest states are anxious to attract or retain TNC investment , they are more likely to be successful in imposing conditions on their operations than less developed states .
23 When faced with familiar letter-strings in novel combinations , skilled readers perform better than less skilled readers .
24 In addition , variation in SRS will not reflect variation in LRS ( see Gadgil , 1972 ) if individuals that breed successfully show reduced success in future or are likely to cease breeding or die earlier than less successful breeders .
25 Even harder to ignore the fact that her reluctant , brooding host was all male , with an attraction rendered more rather than less dangerous by his current attitude towards the female sex .
26 The argument for this is not convincing , because relations with business remained informal and instrumental and local governments were , for a time , more rather than less troublesome for the centre .
27 Being made of metal , often precious metal , coins have tended to survive much better than less durable objects .
28 Left to themselves , without adult interference , groups of children tend to become more rather than less aggressive as time goes by .
29 If its Secretariat 's proposals are agreed to , " farming will become more rather than less intensive , global brands will erode local foods and developing countries ' food self-reliance will be undermined " .
30 Research on conformity has shown that individuals with higher levels of ability conform less to group norms than those with lower levels of ability ; individuals with strong relationship goals will identify with group norms more readily than those individuals for whom multiple , close relationships are not important ; highly authoritarian individuals conform more than less authoritarian individuals ; individuals who find it hard to ‘ see the wood for the trees ’ conform more readily than those who find it easy ; and individuals with strong structure goals conform more willingly .
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