Example sentences of "than [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So they do n't say you know it , it 's like in York you 'll have it worse than somewhere like here cos we can see the careers officers running around
2 Thus , though she had little intention of responding more than politely to any of the advances , she enjoyed the game : it made her feel human .
3 That we will keep all information of a confidential nature about [ ] Plc and [ ] Plc 's business and financial affairs which come to our knowledge during negotiations for the sale of the Shares to you confidential and accordingly we will not disclose any such information to any person or use any such information other than wholly in connection with such negotiations except to the extent that it is , already when we receive such information , or becomes thereafter , public knowledge through no fault of any of us .
4 Better under it than on to it .
5 They are simple to install , for all that is required is that they be level from side to side , and with the lip protruding sufficiently to enable the full body of water to be emptied into the pool rather than on to the surrounding ground ( Fig. 9 ) .
6 This magnetotail could steer larger quantities of charged particles on to the near side than on to the far side .
7 His immediate superior and his superintendent had departed ten minutes before for a conference at Lewes and he was more than somewhat at a loss .
8 Then there was the reality that yes our three tropical experts had flown through the questionnaire stage and impressed the producer more than sufficiently at the interview stage and they would now be appearing in front of 14 million viewers , battling it out with another team , unknown until the actual day .
9 As far as informal carers are concerned , the evidence that families may be unable to take on extra responsibilities , and the less certain evidence that elderly people may prefer care by professionals , with help and support from the family , rather than entirely by kin , are conveniently ignored .
10 The solution was found by looking inwards at the character and operations of our own Group rather than outwards at the way other organisations had approached the problem , and then asking two questions .
11 The ventral arm plates are much wider than long with an obtuse proximal angle and a straight distal edge rounded at the corners and indented midradially .
12 The dorsal arm plates , nearly square in small specimens , become broader than long in larger ones ; the arms become increasingly ridged with size .
13 But Gabriel trudged on up the ladder , knowing only that he preferred to be with Izzie and her father than alone in the chapel with these stony figures against its walls , all staring with stony eyes , and all too lonely to touch one another .
14 In the introduction to its latest guidelines the GMC states that the preregistration year should be ‘ an enjoyable and profitable experience ’ and calls on the universities to ‘ exercise greater control than hitherto over the duties undertaken … , the supervision of house officers , the general education provided and the monitoring of house officers ’ progress . ’
15 While both initiatives are seen as bringing about a closer link between assessment and teaching and learning , and place a greater emphasis than hitherto on teacher assessment , Broadfoot points to various tensions and contradictions between these systems of assessment .
16 We are now at a point in this evolution where , I believe , the climate is more favourable than hitherto to cooperation between linguists and educationalists .
17 Nevertheless , there is no doubt that Guevarism and other currents of thought have been influential in forcing established Communist parties to rethink their role and recognise the need to be far more responsive than hitherto to the specific circumstances of their own country .
18 The Commission expresses its anxiety that the proposed syllabus in the revised music curriculum allows less time than hitherto for choral music .
19 In this way , it should be possible to evaluate policy options more carefully than hitherto by identifying the sorts of factors which are likely to intervene between a national-level change and its actual effects ‘ on the ground ’ in different areas .
20 Responsibility for developing standards will also require a greater interest than hitherto in the effectiveness of clinical care ( Williamson , 1990 ) , something that will require considerable briefing .
21 Their role in fostering education and R & D assumes far greater proportion than hitherto in conditioning their success in attracting those foreign firms who might assist in achieving national aims .
22 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
23 THE deregulation of television in Italy has brought viewers more sport , more often than perhaps in any other European country but it has caused a tremendous row among the broadcasters and the political power groups who back their various causes .
24 Yet education is very much the sort of thing you might expect Moore 's principles to display as worth while in its own right rather than merely as a means to , or even component of , other things .
25 The fact that central government was now beginning to regard Siberia as an integral part of Russia as a whole , rather than merely as a colonial appendage , was marked by the abolition in 1763 of the Siberian Department ( Sibirskii prikaz ) , the central state bureau which had , with a brief interruption under Peter the Great , been directly responsible for the governance and administration of the territory since 1637 .
26 More recently however , Abercrombie has suggested that the theory of ideology could fill a lack in the sociology of knowledge by linking ideology/knowledge with the social process rather than merely with classes or social groups :
27 The City Editor of your sister newspaper showed the greater insight when , in April 1989 , he opined : ‘ It [ the Government ] tries to get us to swallow the ridiculous story that [ water ] privatisation is good for consumers , rather than merely for executives . ’
28 The authors , stress on cognition has the advantage that it leads to an appreciation of the importance of the distribution of knowledge about what goods should represent , rather than merely of the distribution of the goods themselves .
29 Secondly , they have tried to arrange more and more of their long-term or permanent exhibitions ( not just the ones that have transitory mass appeal ) in ways that give visitors the opportunity to learn , rather than merely to ‘ gawp ’ .
30 Of course , if such a procedure were adopted by the House it would be better to have it subject to agreement between the usual channels than merely on the diktat of the Government .
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