Example sentences of "about [Wh det] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Then she began to think to herself about which would be best , nasturtiums or sweet peas .
2 There had been doubts about which would break first , Christmas or booksellers ' spirits .
3 Does n't listen to a word I say , like , the women 's no good cos I told some things about which would really made yet more of his hair fall of the top of his bald head , I said I said look , a working women needs a working man to help support herself and her children , I said , er no , nobody is going to be able these days , a woman not going to be able to support herself on twenty hours a week , which is what Karen does , putting out bread in the Asda .
4 The global system is most fruitfully conceptualized as a system that operates at three levels , knowledge about which can be organized in three spheres , namely the economic , the political and the cultural-ideological .
5 Sometimes there will be two candidates who are fairly evenly matched and there may be uncertainty about which should be appointed .
6 Cos there 's millions and millions of pounds that the revenue have got rushing about which should have been repaid to er investors .
7 Clearly , the largest surfaces to be covered in any room are the walls and the floor , and there are invariably two schools of thought about which should have preference in the budget .
8 Answer guide : The answer below is based on both an absorption costing approach and a marginal costing approach although the question is deliberately not explicit about which should be used .
9 There may be charges for some or all of these services , depending on your income , but it is certainly worth asking about what may be available .
10 To contact the social services about what may be available .
11 In the continuous process thus engendered one sees how true theory stimulates ideas about what may be , in realms as yet unexplored .
12 So far I have written about what may be carried ‘ in the mind ’ of workers and managers and attempted to see the political implications of the relations that ensue .
13 Because we are more dependent and more vulnerable in later years , there has rightly been concern about what may be termed ‘ old age abuse ’ and the subject merits some detailed discussion here .
14 I think we should forget about what may have happened in the past and pray for a series which might well become a classic .
15 If we move from the material world of technology and physical experience to the metaphysical world of moral ideas and the imagination we find that there is enormous discrepancy about what may be considered abnormal in different circumstances , but attitudes to the abnormal are always ambivalent .
16 Questions about what may be termed the aesthetics of a text continue to be posed , even though the aesthetic is no longer tied to a text 's autonomous integrity .
17 We have seen the bloodcurdling letters that he has sent to electors about what may happen if Labour is returned .
18 There is widespread ignorance about what may be claimed .
19 As such , the operation was essentially different from planning which involved prior political judgements about what ought to be achieved .
20 The larger question , then , is not about what is , but about what ought to be .
21 But no transgression against Hume 's stricture is involved in pointing out that people 's views about what ought to be — their moral stance and outlook — may be directly related to certain distinctive features of their lives .
22 They were the North Riding Authority , er the East Riding Authority , the West Riding Authority , all of which converged on the on the city of York , and as you read through the files , er you will see that even then the D O E were trying to get erm those er those predecessor authorities in the late fifties , early sixties er to come to some view about what ought to be better for Greater York , so for many years the idea of Greater York ha has been current er in one guise or another .
23 On board the steamer the two of them were talking about what would happen to the title if Lord Woodleigh was to die before they had any children , and Lord Woodleigh said — Sven Hjerson 's ears heard it — although now you get the estate .
24 Right or wrong , the incident showed that people cared about what would happen to the Louvre .
25 He said yesterday : ‘ I 'm sure I had been making inquiries ( in 1945 ) about what would happen to people who we sent back .
26 There 's blood in your body , and I get to thinking about what would happen if your blood froze .
27 I think about what would happen if I did it …
28 There was also a debate about what would happen to the most dangerous substances in the Windscale cocktail , particularly plutonium .
29 Birdwatchers had always worried terribly about what would happen to Brownsea after the owner , Mrs Bonham-Christie , died .
30 Latin and Anglo-Saxon temperaments are at variance about what would constitute an acceptable noise level ; and young people do not seem to be so intolerant of noise as their elders .
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