Example sentences of "about [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 In terms of the simple free volume concept each chain end requires more free volume in which to move about than a segment in the chain interior .
2 But how do you find out about whether a planning application has been made in the first place ?
3 There is debate about whether a single species can split into two without geographical isolation .
4 In these cases one never finds a whole tree fossilized , and it is necessary to piece together the whole plant by making intelligent guesses about whether a frond of one kind is persistently found with a particular fossil trunk .
5 But there is no real decision which has to be made about whether a child should live or die , for nobody has the right to make such a decision .
6 I suppose this opens the debate about whether a limited edition guitar like this one , which has a projected run of only 200 units , is ever likely to be used as an everyday instrument , or whether it is destined to end up mute behind glass in a collection somewhere .
7 My grandfather , who was one of the aircraft pioneers , told me that he had a long argument with Cody about whether a certain member was in tension or in compression in flight .
8 When you question yourself about whether a phrase is ambiguous or vague , the litmus-test is usually ‘ Did I intend it be written that way ?
9 By contrast , if a decision is to be made about whether a pupil is to pass or fail an examination then a boundary would have to be set .
10 It still leaves room for doubt about whether a fifty-year cycle is evident from the data .
11 Shrug and pout in Arthur pouted and Celia shrugged refer to a gesture used as a conventional signal ; Arthur pouted his lips and Celia shrugged her shoulders , however , are non-committal about whether a signal was intended , and indicate merely that a certain movement was performed .
12 In other cases , individual workers made their own judgements about whether a person was likely to benefit from the care programme approach .
13 Severe contention exists about whether a rule-based or statistical approach should be used to apply syntactic constraints .
14 The Minister must realise that the public are not that interested in boring details about procedures — for example , about whether a public utility is supposed to take a maximum of two weeks or three weeks to reply to a letter of complaint .
15 We should be concerned about whether a science teacher is available to teach a science lesson , or whether the only person available is someone trained over a very short period .
16 Erm , as I 've said before , I have reservations about whether a much increased figure about above the County Council 's er proposal could be accommodated within Ryedale District Council , and I if the figure above that is proposed I would suggest that the extra is accommodated within the new settlement , which I presume the ar argue answer you would have expected from Ryedale , erm Barton Willmore 's figure is based on an assumption that they believe that within Ryedale there is a capacity to increase past building rates , I would refute that , erm the building rates in Southern Ryedale I would suggest were abnormally high , because of the development of Clifton Moor airfield , the North Western part of the Southern Ryedale district , sorry South Western part .
17 As discussed above , a more robust recognition system may result from allowing multiple interpretations of a segment , and letting lexical access make the final decision about whether a segment is or , for example , in the context of or , since neither gis , nor kif are valid lexical sequences .
18 Disputes about whether a reference had been to an expert or an arbitrator have produced many lawsuits .
19 Questions , however , might arise about whether a dispute is a valuation/technical dispute to be referred to an expert or one that should be referred to an arbitral tribunal or the court .
20 Nor does he feel compelled to decide later cases " by analogy " to earlier ones , at least when there is room for disagreement about whether a later case is really like or unlike them .
21 There is a debate about whether a ministry for women is a liability .
22 The proposal is likely to divide the group since some councils are voicing doubts about whether a referendum is the best way forward .
23 Femininity is fine , but suggestiveness is n't — the office is not the place for braless nipples or knickerless minis , and if you 've any doubts about whether an outfit is unsuitable , do n't wear it ;
24 While many users have developed joyous fantasies about what a 256 megabit DRAM will do for them , others are somewhat concerned about whether an alliance between these three giants will adversely affect the performance of the DRAM market .
25 For example , if there was some slight uncertainty about whether an input segment was as legion or as in lesion the ambiguity at the lexical level would not be enough to resolve the ambiguity at the phoneme level .
26 Questions of possession/non-possession are not only crucial in cases of stale claims but have , since the 1985 House of Lords decision in Street v Mountford [ 1985 ] AC 809 , been fundamental in decisions about whether an occupier of property is categorised as a " tenant " or a " licensee " .
27 He was unable to comment on questions about whether an IRA cell might be operating in the area .
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