Example sentences of "about [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 and I do n't know how he , you are , and in the end our cousins you , you know convince me that they 'd take sort of control , you know that , if I was worried as well about or dad getting drunk , one thing or another like , you know , and said look we 're going , it 's not as though we 're not going , we 're going and we 'll have him in with us and I let him go in the end cos I went down in the five weeks
2 Most of the time he 'd nothing more serious to worry about than squirrel shit on the seats if ever he left the windows open .
3 ‘ Next ’ is not exactly fashion , not what The Face or Vogue would recognize as such anyway , but then successful survivors have far more important things to think about than fashion ; it is more a statement of lifestyle .
4 Assessment of achievements in English should therefore be primarily concerned with such understanding and skills , rather than with pupils ' knowledge about and competence in using IT and media facilities as such .
5 Now and and are you doing any exciting today that you can tell us about and share with us ?
6 There has been concern about and criticism of the manner in which public consultation has been undertaken .
7 The idea made him throw his arms about and chuckle .
8 participants ' present knowledge about and experience of working with bilingual students
9 … I mean a completely different development arising from computer logic but as unimaginable to us now as a Shakespearean character would have been to an oral-epic culture , and a different way of thinking about and rendering … all worldly phenomena , as revolutionary as the scientific spirit that slowly emerged out of the Renaissance and the Gutenberg galaxy .
10 There was a desire to create a single referral point and a truly accessible and localized service that everyone would know about and use .
11 Specifically , there was the idea of intervention ; historic doubts about and antipathy towards European colonialism ; corresponding commitment to self-determination and , above all , an impressive self-confidence founded on US power , a resurgence of Wilsonian ideals , and a belief that the principles of the Atlantic Charter and those of the UN should at least inform if they did not determine the foreign policies of the US .
12 Her pronunciation of the diphthong in down , about and house is not like JC or LE : it is closest to RP [ P9 ] .
13 Sir : Keith Botsford 's column ( 7 October ) highlights the need for clear information about and reporting of the approaching crack epidemic .
14 Erm every new square inch of hard surface on the ground or roofing er means that less rain when it falls will er move into the ground or will run off more quickly or rapidly fill the water courses and er sooner reach the points of constriction that we know about and cause flooding problems .
15 This is a concept which is an aid to thinking about and understanding , in the most general way possible , the organisation in which the information system is to operate .
16 a matter will be er that we going to fight er , easily er so I mean i , it meant that the er , that er er some more should be brought out so that it er does er adhere to what er these er er government departments er expect as a response rather than er er as this considered issue raising er , we can er facilitate that er quite er easily but er I think er the the main point is what Hugh has said , that er we opposed it because it 's not going to help in my view it 's not going to help er the patients , the patients are not going to come off any better as a result of er , these er er what I would say and I feel and er the , I I I 'd like to know what er the GP 's think about cos GP 's usually erm er , advise their patients if they have to wait a long time from one hospital , they would advise them to go into London and er , if that 's been stopped as been er that 's been stated erm then erm , er the GP 's are not going to feel very happy about their patients er , getting er erm a lesser service .
17 In view of this irksome journey to Keswick , not surprisingly , regard was given to the possibility of setting up smelt houses at Coniston : " … if the Mynes hereafter should hereafter prove so rich as to countervale the charges of erecting any worke houses , there is more there about but water sufficient to make some competent buildings and good store both a wood & peets at more easy rates than at Keswick if the said wood may be preserved for those uses … "
18 Most of the evidence about whether industrialism raised or diminished the living standards of the working class has centred on the wages and prices prevalent at different periods , data which is patchy and hard to interpret .
19 RECENTLY I have been dragged , most unwillingly , into a ludicrous debate about whether hi-fi systems sound better if the room , records and electronics have been treated with coloured inks to convert the adverse effects of the gravitational field of the Earth into beneficial effects .
20 The report favours the setting of attainment targets for children at 7 , 11 and 16 ( though with some publicly expressed reservations by Sir John Kingman himself about whether English can be ‘ mastered rung by rung ’ as in climbing a ladder ( Nash , 1988 ) ) , and spells out in some detail what these should be .
21 From the evidence that is available there seems to be some doubt about whether inspection is methodologically sound ( though this is mainly based on what the inspectors fail to say rather than what they do say ) .
22 ‘ We have been waiting for grants but there has been some debate about whether croquet is a sport because of the pace it 's played at . ’
23 The level of transaction costs , and the scale of third party and other effects , invite speculation about whether management changes could be effected in a less costly and disruptive way .
24 Mr Cocks also criticised judges for making uninformed pronouncements about whether child witnesses were old enough to give evidence .
25 A buyer will be concerned to know details about whether gas is connected ; whether he or she has responsibility for all or any fences or ditches ; whether the property has mains drainage ; whether there is liability to maintain a road at the front of the property ; or whether application for planning permission has been refused in the past .
26 It would be as foolish to argue about which of these views is correct as it would be to argue about whether algebra or geometry is the correct way to solve problems in science .
27 Reliability I posed a series of questions about whether support from relatives can be seen as reliable , and what reliability actually means in this context .
28 This chapter is about the way in which the existing predicament of teachers leads them to become stressed , and it is also about whether stress is inevitable in such circumstances or not .
29 There are differences of detail , of course ; for example , he seems undecided about whether teaching should follow the order of discovery , or of proof .
30 Because of the pressure of space , I can not enter into the arguments about whether Buddhism is a theistic religion , and how far it has moved away from its Hindu parent religion .
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