Example sentences of "time been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her Black Sea fleet had by this time been destroyed , the allies had landed not only in the Crimea but also at Nikolaev to the west and Novorossiisk to the east , and the Turks retained a position at Sukhumi which gave them the chance of counter-attacking in the direction of Tiflis .
2 The Institute of Economic Affairs had for a long time been polemicising against the extension of state activity on the grounds that it restricted choice , led to dependency and reduced the motivation to work , and fostered economic inefficiency in comparison with ‘ private enterprise ’ .
3 Where value has at any time been given for a bill the holder is deemed to be a holder for value as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill who became parties prior to such time .
4 The Yugoslavian authorities announced on Feb. 20 that Army units stationed in the province of Kosovo had for the first time been given specific orders to quell a renewed wave of unrest among ethnic Albanians in the province .
5 Eric commented that trade at JHL was steady and that two JP s had for some time been seen as a luxury , so they were pleased to release G-JETP .
6 Non-flying mammals have for some time been suspected to be pollinators in a number of vegetation types outside the tropics and , in recent years , this has been proved to be so in both South Africa and Australia .
7 They looked along the Atlantic coast of North America for places in which to settle , and they might have been more successful in founding colonies if they had not at the same time been engaged in what they saw as a desperate struggle to save their religious and political liberties from Catholic Spain , although the Spanish would have said the war was to some extent intended to check the rather aggressive interpretation the English placed on the idea of the freedom of the seas .
8 Scholars in this field had for some time been engaged in a debate over the importance of acquired and inherited personality traits in behaviour .
9 Although it has yet to displace the older established metal in western sentiment , court jewellers have for some time been using platinum as a more appropriate setting for diamonds than gold .
10 He was a movie nut and the take-away had in its time been called : the Yangtze Incident , the World of Suzy Wong ( copyright difficulties ) and Enter the Dragon ( raided by the Drugs Squad ) .
11 However , the demand for the relevant , the practical , and the vocational that was part of the raison d'être of the GCSE has at the same time been answered in a different way , which may in the end prove embarrassing to the DES and the SEC , and may seem to promise yet another shift of power .
12 In England this power has for a very long time been delegated , so far as barristers are concerned , to the Inns of Court : and , for a much shorter time , so far as solicitors are concerned , to the Law Society .
13 It was apparent as the light grew that the rocks which lay scattered among the trees had at one time been arranged in order .
14 Proposals such as these went a long way to alleviate Chinese concerns and brought closer the possibility of a summit meeting between the two leaderships for which Soviet spokesmen had for some time been calling .
15 In case such arguments failed , the king also reminded the commons frequently that the war had been undertaken with their consent and that this consent had from time to time been renewed , as Sir William Thorp pointed out in the parliament of 1348 .
16 Walker , who apart from the Prime Minister herself ( Margaret Thatcher ) and Sir Geoffrey Howe was the only remaining member of the Conservative Cabinet formed in 1979 ( and who had also been a member of Edward Heath 's Cabinet in 1970-74 ) , had for a considerable time been regarded as in many ways out of sympathy with certain aspects of Thatcher 's political philosophy .
17 All records on the existing Altos minicomputer system will have by that time been transferred to users ’ PCs and it will become surplus to requirements .
18 The majority of hairdressers in the North West have at one time been trained by him .
19 The search for training which fits this description in the management of education is hindered in two ways : it has long been an area for tension between theorists and practitioners and it has from time to time been exposed to management models from fields where practice and purpose are very different from those of education .
20 My doctor had also prepared a report for the judge , about various medical problems which I hoped might be taken into consideration , along with the fact that I had for some time been re-building my life and now had very little to do with the lifestyle that brought me into contact with drugs .
21 Although the famous gallery owner is thinking of retiring and has for some time been searching for an institution to take on his private collection , the title of the event ‘ TransForm ’ is not a veiled reference to his forthcoming conversion from art dealer to museum collector .
22 By 1907 , the year that preceded the painting of the Baigneuse , Fauvism had already lost much of its original impetus , and Braque , like the other Fauves , had for some time been searching for some more solid basis for his art .
23 Because of pressure from many different lobbies , government has for some time been considering in what way to respond to it .
24 Trade unions had for some time been supporting candidates for the House of Commons and spending union funds for this purpose .
25 It has in its time been threatened with demolition as a bottleneck , but has been widened and is still happily intact .
26 We are told that the animal had at some time been shot and wounded , so today it had been put out of its misery .
27 We are told that the animal had at some time been shot and wounded , so today it had been put out of its misery .
28 Safety , which has for a long time been assumed to be at odds with commercial considerations , is now a business interest .
29 For my part I am not condemning , I am illustrating the fact that the Christian symbiosis between nature and humankind , expressed so well in the Bible , has from time to time been replaced by man 's domination of nature with disastrous consequences for both .
30 Valerie Eliot was also his protector — as a secretary she had for a long time been organizing his daily life and guarding him from the world , and it was probably the calm assurance of her presence which first drew him towards her .
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