Example sentences of "time to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The main gains are a better staff-inmate ratio , and a greater focus on programmes for inmate recreation and on putting the prisoners ' time to better use , apart from compulsory work .
2 Now that we have a better understanding of the flight envelope it is time to explored Take the kite straight up , pull to make a 180-degree turn and you 've turned the kite nose-down into vertical dive .
3 Or a step back in time to Upper Canada , circa 1862 ?
4 A two-acre garden surrounded the house , and here he devoted his time to horticultural experiments , among them the one that produced the apple bearing his name , Cox 's Orange Pippin .
5 MOSCOW — Huge amounts of computerised information held in Soviet data bases are to be made available for the first time to Western research , it was agreed at a conference for Western and Eastern scientists here , writes Justin Arundale .
6 Time to first print is roughly 45 seconds and multi-copy printing pulls that up to the rated 6 pages per minute claimed for the unit .
7 That 's not at all bad , but expect time to first print to be longer for highly graphical subjects .
8 The operating system allocates processor time to virtual machines on the basis of their operating characteristics , priority , and the load on the system as a whole .
9 But he would give generously of his time to such organisations as the British Council , helping to audition young people with ambitions to dance .
10 After all , if you have begun addressing yourself for the first time to such an issue you are more likely to be able to have the courage of your convictions at work in trying to tackle , for example , management by inertia .
11 The instrument of resurrection was to be the turnpike. this custom prevailing , 't is more than probable , that our posterity may see the roads all over England restored in their time to such a perfection , that travelling and carriage of goods will be much more easy both to man and horse than ever it was since the Romans lost this island .
12 These are the unthinking reactions we all have most of the time to various common facts .
13 After she retired from the headship of her department in 1920 she gave much time to various women 's groups and to societies for the promotion of women 's interests .
14 For the first six months of its financial year , Tadpole turned round from losses of £1.4m last time to pre-tax profits of £26,800 this .
15 For the first six months of its financial year , Tadpole turned round from losses of £1.4m last time to pre-tax profits of £26,800 this .
16 He is alive and well , devoting much of his time to encouraging and supporting other AIDS sufferers in their quest for life .
17 ‘ State-of-the-art ’ loader/levellers have been installed in the three kilns reducing the cycle time to 11 hours and all the steep tanks have been re-fitted with full ventilation .
18 He must devote some of his time to administrative , consultative or post-operative duties too .
19 They 'll trip themselves up trying to keep time to that , wo n't they ? ’
20 From this Time to that of her Death , few Days pass 'd in which I did not either see or hear from her ; for she gave me the Pleasure of seeing all her Poems as soon as they were finish 'd
21 He introduces Rosanna Spearman , who , at the time four months before was a resident of the Reformatory , but at some previous time to that , Rosanna Spearman had been a thief .
22 The treatment of the short-sleeved belted chit on of light material is assimilated in the taste of the time to that of the heavy chit on ( figs. 73–4 , 76 ) , though the structure of the garment is quite different .
23 And if you get an interview you are more likely to succeed if you can prove that you are a positive person who has made demonstrable efforts to counteract the ill-effects of being unemployed and have managed to put your time to constructive use .
24 He argued that teenagers were wasting their opportunities at Dovercourt , keeping the futile hope alive that they would be adopted by rich families and lead a fine life , when they could have been using their time to constructive purpose .
25 It 's something of a performance load carrier , with a top speed of mph and 0– mph sprint time to 8. seconds .
26 Anne and Chris did n't want to return full time to stressful teaching jobs when their maternity leave ended , so together they sent in a joint application for a full-time position with a covering letter pointing out the benefits of job sharing , and the way they could organize their week and their timetable .
27 That penalty was reduced at the time to six months .
28 The demonstration of lysozyme positive macrophages in the small bowel was achieved by increasing the exposure time to six to seven days whereas positive colonic macrophages could be detected at three to four days .
29 At home , while Ministers are careful not to use such words as ‘ green shoots ’ in public , they use them off the record all the time to political journalists , who dutifully pass the message on to the reading public .
30 In such phrases one sees a characteristic Tolkienian strength : his ideas were often paradoxical and had deep intellectual roots , but they appealed at the same time to simple things and to everyday experience .
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