Example sentences of "time now [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Now you need to bring a friend or friends in to help you with your writing because it is time now to test out its effect upon other people .
2 It 's time now to turn our attention to how video can fit into our teaching as a whole .
3 It was about time now to turn his attention to the kidneys .
4 It has been our practise for some time now to give out names addresses and telephone numbers of local teachers to any one making enquiries at promotional events .
5 It is time now to move on to consider the first of these .
6 There would be time now to see Mr. Fynney , the chief debenture holder on the line , and take his opinion , which I believe has not been given on the position but he , unfortunately , a short time ago lost his brother , and could not attend to business , and there would be time now to obtain the consideration of the promoters of the points above named , before the bill passes the House of Lords .
7 Time now to put out the stuff from the back of the shelves , holding back the normal fare until everyone is back on the treadmill again .
8 An equivalent medical prognosis would be pessimistic to say the least , and it is time now to explore alternatives which will allow us to approach the 21st Century with confidence instead of indecision and fear .
9 But there was no time now to speculate on that rather sinister connection , for Luke Travis was coming towards her with his brisk , certain step .
10 There is no time now to spend on the lengthy process of building flesh and bone .
11 Well it 's time now to hit the road with the London Sydney car marathon .
12 Well it 's time now to hit the road with the London Sydney car marathon .
13 Erm we 're trying to have beer put on the price each time now to make it worthwhile so you get a chance of getting your money back .
14 In the dark old days rugby tours never went further than the west country or Wales … but times are changing fast as the sport gets more professional … you have to think big time now to win matches and survive in the first division … that 's why Gloucester 's new full-time director Barrie Corless and coach Keith Richardson took the players off to Italy for a two match tour
15 No time now to phone Mum .
16 But take a little bit of time now to think of a building , or a thing , or a place or an animal or a street Right
17 It is a good time now to buy is n't it ?
18 He did not have time now to investigate his own feelings , but somewhere at the back of his mind was the thought that he was , himself , no idealist .
19 It is time now to look at this in some detail and the rest of this section is devoted to an analysis of the Bank of England 's ‘ money market operations ’ as they are called .
20 It is time now to look at the sections of financial theory which are relevant for the valuation of securities .
21 Well my Lord as I said as I said at the beginning I think the both Mr and myself considered that it might er assist your Lordship considerably if you have some time now to read er the witness statements and the reports from the expert which are in bundle three and indeed erm .
22 It was time now to begin to write letters .
23 Time now to register
24 Well you wo n't have much time now to eat
25 as the race for the world championship hots up its time now to catch up with all the rest of the sports news …
26 The same is true in the US , where the banking sector has been eager for some time now to find loopholes in the Glass-Steagall Act 1933 ( which segregates to a large extent the banking and securities business ) and expand into other , more profitable , areas of financial service activity .
27 Time now to run , to fix her eyes on that tow-headed lad with the green scarf around his stringy , chicken 's neck and never lose sight of him , no matter who got in her way , to catch him and crucify him if necessary to find out where her bag had gone .
28 There would be time now to see Mr. Fynney , the chief debenture holder on the line , and take his opinion , which I believe has not been given on the position but he , unfortunately , a short time ago lost his brother , and could not attend to business , and there would be time now to obtain the consideration of the promoters of the points above named , before the bill passes the House of Lords .
29 It is time now to consider what contribution a rights-based theory might be able to make in developing such a moral position , and how that position might relate to a revised , more radical form of democratic theory .
30 It is time now to consider more precisely what the attitudinist says about the actual meaning of typically ethical words , like ‘ good ’ ’ ought' ’ right' and ‘ wrong ’ .
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