Example sentences of "time get the " in BNC.

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1 He rang the Wallis 's number twice more during a period of five days and each time got the answerphone .
2 ‘ Playing at the end of the field , being in contention , keeping myself relaxed but at the same time getting the adrenalin running , ’ explained Faldo .
3 Spend time getting the first layer dead true .
4 " Reckon he took his time getting the pose right , " the bearded man added in a broad Cork accent , and the men standing around him laughed quietly .
5 After all , Jones spent a long time getting the wording right , and you wo n't be able to improve on it .
6 Betty uses the scheme once a week , although she is unhappy about the fact that she has to spend so much time getting the equipment ready .
7 ‘ What we have to do this time is to maintain that atmosphere , produce another good performance against Turkey and this time get the result we deserved against Norway .
8 That is the time to get the thing out of the house and take up evening classes in deep-sea diving .
9 With a low-powered winch or tow car , the acceleration is far slower and there is plenty of time to get the glider nicely balanced on the wheel so that it leaves the ground with a safe margin of speed .
10 He refused to be drawn on what would happen if the two failed to reach agreement in time to get the banks ' support for an extra £1bn-£1.2bn of finance next year .
11 Mr Deukmejian , who was elected governor in 1982 , has been trying for a mighty long time to get the death penalty enforced in California .
12 When I changed buses there was just time to get the sweets and bananas — the bananas were very good today ; and on the other bus there was a nice driver who said that if I sat near the front he would let me off at the crossing if he was held up in the traffic , instead of my going on to the bus stop and having to walk back ; because of the rain . ’
13 Besides , it took time to get the formula right ; one dose began to work on the notes alter only 24 hours .
14 Re-stowing the rest of the sails gave him time to get the details straight in his head .
15 It is well worth spending time to get the anchorages securely placed in line with the fence .
16 First , they can be situated in any part of the UK , which makes access difficult and the length of time to get the information can be long .
17 If we 're moving to London in the next three months there 's not much time to get the question of the cottage settled .
18 ‘ Her Ladyship 's started in labour , though she 's not due for another couple of weeks and there 's no time to get the doctor and nurse from Malton , by the look of things . ’
19 But tonight there had been no time to get the cheese or sardines or cold ham that made his evening meal ; Sean never liked to cook in his bedsit above the premises of Hogan 's lest the smell of food linger and be deemed offensive .
20 Now it was time to get the hell out of the area before half a dozen screaming squad cars came to find out what all the shooting was about .
21 It took some time to get the obstacle equipped with runners .
22 We think now , as Christmas approaches , and that elusive fishkeeping present becomes top priority , is the perfect time to get the unbiased recommendations of our experts as to what they would buy , given the chance .
23 Even when peace is restored , it will take a long time to get the parks operating normally again .
24 Then you can plan your time to get the most from your visit ?
25 As it takes some time to get the system going and prepare the animal for recording , any one experiment can run for many hours , and as a result neurophysiologists tend , even more than any other lab scientists I know , to be erratic nightworkers and ( at least when they are graduate students ) not well cut out for normal social relations .
26 I needed time to get the memories from my mind . ’
27 We allow ourselves a little bit more time to get the design right cos the reason we got it wrong in the first place was because it was a quick spend project and nobody er had time to do it properly .
28 There 's been so much on this week I just have n't had time to get the details of the contract finalised . ’
29 She had stayed at work up to the proper time to get the full benefits and she had felt important enough , leaving to have a baby , for the loneliness to be kept at bay for the time leading up to her last day .
30 People who speak little or no English may not understand the need for speed , and it may take time to get the information translated .
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