Example sentences of "time the [det] " in BNC.

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1 The Orient had well-developed civilizations long before anything in Europe , and they too appreciated the qualities of the rose and its potential when cross-bred and hybridized — a process that was well in advance of the horticultural achievements of European civilizations by the time the latter 's explorations brought East and West together .
2 This difference increased with the age of the youngest child in the family , so that by the time the latter had reached 11 years old still only 44 per cent of the mothers of disabled children were in paid work compared with 87 per cent of control group mothers .
3 Neither jet-lag nor anything going wrong has been evident at the tourists ' training , which has been comfortably the most impressive seen in Cardiff since … well , since the last time the All Blacks were there in 1980 .
4 And by the time the all clear went , the train had gone .
5 By the time the all clear came , the judge ordered an adjournment until tomorrow , and Corbett left the court as he had arrived , by taxi .
6 As yet , industry hereabouts may not fully have ‘ taken off ’ , but at the same time the many £2 assessments downgraded for tax purposes in the Vale region indicate a degree of recession , the state of some towns hinting at an uneasy period of relocation .
7 The extent to which this is an objection to Locke 's actual views will depend , as in the case of the brave officer , on whether they concern what makes a person at one time the same as he is at another , or concern moral matters of praise and blame .
8 Each user will wave the ‘ pen ’ over the bar code at a different speed , and there may well be significant variations each time the same person uses the system .
9 At that exact time the same degree of Capricorn was rising as that of the Queen 's birth .
10 After all that , one of the arms fell off recently , reminding me of the time the same thing happened during a recording of Give Us A Clue .
11 Each time a different man , each time the same things .
12 It had disintegrated ( in despair , one assumed ) many years ago , but Dorothy continued to bawl furiously at passing vehicles and to write letters to the commanding officer of the local airbase , who returned each time the same duplicated reply of infinite courtesy and obscurity .
13 There was even the same poker game going on in the back room , a game I could n't get in on but which I could glimpse every time the same barmaid took refills through .
14 All the time the same questions .
15 The omission of the verb gives an immediacy which would be missing from a construction such as It is a virgin scene ( where the present tense is a direct attempt to make a coding time and content time the same ) .
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