Example sentences of "time [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Also his head still pains him from time to time where he got that knock .
2 In view of the slowness with which changes of mental outlook came about in those days , it is not surprising that even after the introduction of the mechanical clock in the fourteenth century most people , including many of the more sophisticated , were far less concerned in their daily life with the passage of time than we are .
3 We stayed at John Bannon 's Hotel in Manali Orchards for rather more time than we had intended .
4 I 'm now gon na give you one last exercise then which may take rather more time than we 've got .
5 And by that I was looking at er things like discussing with Alan that I felt we were un under , had , had less management time than we should .
6 They reached the gate in even quicker time than they 'd left it .
7 Second , under the proposals , established partners who anticipate retiring after the five-year transitional relief has expired will pay tax in respect of a greater period of time than they have actually been a partner .
8 This is not to deny that the ending of a marriage through death , and through divorce , are in many ways very different experiences , nor that they may be handled differently in families , but the point here is that the idea that kin groups used to be much more stable over time than they are today has to be modified by historical evidence .
9 This process whereby financial intermediaries lend for longer periods of time than they borrow is known as maturity transformation .
10 I was grateful to him for his tribute to the members of the two boundary committees , they did do an excellent job , they did it as he implied , slightly less un generously to the government er in a considerably shorter time than they and we would have liked but they did it very well and they did it very fairly .
11 Birds can also detect much smaller intervals of time than us .
12 You 're going to have more time than us by Christmas .
13 In the branch of the Banco dell'Annunziazione a girl , whose face was a mask of disappointment nobly borne and from whose carmined lips dangled a cigarette miraculously balancing a tube of ash , clattered calculations as she stood before an upright typewriter and , in less time than she had expected , Molly was in possession of a mound of hundred thousand lire notes .
14 Nancy appreciates that others might need more time than she takes , to absorb and follow her instructions .
15 Charlotte was counting the seconds until he should extricate himself , and he did it in less time than she had expected , and without even the pretence of sitting down with her .
16 ‘ I thought she 'd have a rougher time than she did , unlike some team members who were like bulls at a gate .
17 Magnus has a far better time than I do .
18 ‘ The recovery is taking a little more time than I 'd hope for but I 'm rather impatient .
19 I felt embarrassed : clearly we had seen more of Flora at this time than I remembered .
20 I may modify my behaviour to conform to the expectations of the group , and I will do so in a much shorter time than I would in a one-to-one relationship .
21 Er I do n't know shorthand but I thought y somebody who did know shorthand would probably have a less hard time than I do writing down notes .
22 Kafka could have felt no more trepidation at that time than I , though I covered my nervousness by giggling at Maté 's latest joke .
23 In fact , I gave her more thinking time than I 'd bargained for as the crush at the bar was worse than when we 'd arrived .
24 At sunset the slabbish , orange peaks had appeared like ghosts out of the clouds and then , in less time than it took to wind on a camera , swirled away again .
25 A source close to Saatchi insists that there is ‘ absolutely no intention of dispersing the collection ’ and is equally adamant that ‘ the collection will be greater in five or 10 years time than it is now . ’
26 P.S. A rainforest tree can be felled with a chainsaw in less time than it has taken you to read this letter .
27 The business of the audition is squeezed into all this in less time than it takes to shake a leg .
28 They can work at speed , and make several passes in less time than it would take to plough the same area with mould-board equipment .
29 Actually , there was a footpath through Wardle Wood from near her village , and if she had dared to go along it she could have walked to Brownies in not much more time than it took her to ride by way of the long winding lane ; but she was sure she had n't the courage to go through the witch 's wood by herself .
30 The improvement in medical knowledge and other changes of recent times made marriage a more stable institution for a time than it was in the Middle Ages .
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