Example sentences of "time [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As well as keeping his own large beloved patch looking like the Garden of Eden , he still found time to tend Colonel Murchison 's land at weekends .
2 Would she ever find time to paint wayside flowers again ?
3 A countervailing factor was the great tendency at that time to preserve secrecy over the College 's lectures and practice , lest practitioners ‘ steal ’ knowledge to their advantage and to the College 's detriment .
4 He announced he was going just in time to overshadow reports of Mr Major 's humiliation on the evening TV news bulletins .
5 TOUGH Belfast-style stop and search tactics are to be used across Britain for the first time to combat IRA bombers .
6 It was only a very light avalanche : this close to the summit it had no time to gather power .
7 As we fast approach the end of the first section of the calendar , it is time to gather information for the July — December section .
8 It can be easily executed from either the leading foot or the back foot , but a roundhouse kick delivered from the rear leg is the more powerful , it has more time to gather speed .
9 Now is a good time to plant herbs , and there are many unexpected places where you can grow them : a rock garden will happily accommodate marjoram , thyme and savory , while a shady corner can be used for mint and chives .
10 Now is the time to plant chrysanthemums .
12 British sport began for the first time to embrace commercialism , although the process was cautious and gradual .
13 She has always given her time to support publication of her books , though she sometimes has doubts about how publicisable a novelist can be .
14 He also emphasizes that the chief executive should take into account the power structure of the organization , be careful to choose the right time to promote initiatives , and , in particular , avoid committing himself publicly to a specific objective or action until he knows that it is definitely what he wants and that he can get the support .
15 It gives me time to mull things over , to get the world into perspective . ’
16 She had had plenty of time to mull things over and she was not too sure if there was n't some underlying reason for this trip to Spain that they had not been told about , or maybe Richie did n't know himself .
17 Now as promised it 's time to zig zag to the onion bag … what is this man talking about … it 's football speak from Cambridge manager John Beck whose team play Swindon tomorrow … it 's the order he gives to his strikers before a game … zig zag … well that means running … weaving with the ball … the onion bag is the goal net of course … so here we go with this week 's football roundup
18 Six attended on 26th October : another resigned by letter ( he " did not have the time to attend meetings " ! )
19 There were various reasons why it was difficult to find time to attend courses , including —
20 Over the years he had worked hard into the night , had attended every lecture and tutorial , had scarcely taken time to attend student functions such as debates , except that these gave him fresh ideas ; he never spoke at them .
21 The time to steady state rectal CSA was 67 to 140 seconds with the shortest period at the highest distension pressures .
22 It is a waste of time to debate issues which are already settled .
23 He was in Hollywood by 1915 in time to see Griffith at the height of his powers , and in a sense Vidor was always to remain a representative of the Griffith era ; he was to become Hollywood 's token Progressive in a period when the main energies of that phenomenon had been exhausted .
24 He was seated just in time to see Caballeros , now in his most swashbuckling mood , plant a superb iron shot on the platform green and hole the putt .
25 He looked down just in time to see Liawski 's diaries disappearing over the edge .
26 They arrived at the edge of the trees just in time to see Angel One advance to stand over the sprawled figure of Brett Grant .
27 Frowning slightly , she hurried across the highly polished floor back into the dining room , and was in time to see Patrick sneeze again and then again .
28 Ace spun round in time to see Petion drop his rifle and spin to the ground in a spray of blood , while Richmann swung his gun back to her , working the lever action .
29 He turned back in time to see Nell and Delaney step out of the lift .
30 He ran across the key , bandoleer slapping his chest , gun held at the port , and reached the beach in time to see Baccy ease the patrol boat in through a gap in the reef .
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