Example sentences of "time [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's been an emotional , turbulent four months : we 've read every letter sent with every donation , been touched and amazed time and again by your generosity , and offer our warmest thanks to everyone who has given time and/or money to help .
2 There are a number of reasons for tutors ' apparent retreat to the classroom , among which may be increasing administrative demands on their time and/or lack of opportunities for recent clinical experience .
3 The key stages of preparation are to become familiar with all the facts as recorded in key documents , for example correspondence , meeting records , site measurements , wage sheets and plant invoices try to agree the facts with the engineer and/or contractor check the claim is in order with respect to time and/or documentation and that it complies with the contract
4 In the first , the thermal history of a source rock is simulated by heating an immature sample for increasing time and/or temperature .
5 Rhyolitic volcanic glass ( obsidian ) when exposed to the atmosphere absorbs water to form a hydrated rind that increases in thickness in relation to time and/or temperature .
6 In determining whether the offer of alternative work is suitable , the tribunal takes into account factors such as status , skills required , pay , hours of work and whether it involves additional travelling time and/or expense or perhaps a need to move house .
7 It is not really , I suppose , a bad school as schools go but it is a sorry waste of time & energy
8 Freeborn men and small landowners , they were in theory able to ‘ dispend of their owne land in yearlie reuenue , to the summe of fortie shillings sterling , or six pounds as monie goeth in our time & commonlie liue wealthilie , keepe good houses and travell to get riches ’ .
9 At the least , Dr Mathew 's computer-instrument will put music within the grasp of would-be musicians who lack the time or inclination to learn how to play .
10 Once you have obtained some professional advice on weight training you can obtain small weights ( such as hand weights ) quite cheaply for use at home ( if you do not have the time or inclination to travel to a gym to exercise ) .
11 Local races that produce the cyclists of the Low Countries are characteristically kermesses , a large and mixed bunch of riders chasing round a small town-and-country circuit : all very physical , and without much time or inclination for tactics .
12 If you do n't have the time or inclination , remember one thing : when you fall or are pushed onto your back , front or side , always keep your head raised as you hit the ground .
13 In the rush for funds or to exploit the fusion fanaticism , few had the time or inclination to look beyond the surface and see the shaky foundations beneath .
14 It was a clean , white , rather clinical-looking room , with its white wooden towel rail , its bowl and pitcher of water for those who did n't have the time or inclination to take a bath .
15 It has been designed to be used by the professionals themselves who do not , said Moore Stephens , have the time or inclination to learn about computers but appreciate the efficiency benefits which technology brings to administration .
16 Charlton 's has n't got the time or inclination to wonder what Billy Bingham is thinking about in the run-up to Wednesday 's big game .
17 The review section devoted to recordings guarantees that Early music is consulted by many professional performers , including the directors of ensembles who may not have the time or inclination to read such journals as the Bäsler Jahrbuch fur historische Musikpraxis or Performance practice review .
18 Besides which , Milada Pankracova , his secretary , expressly stated in her letter giving me the appointment that her employer had no time or inclination to repeat himself , and that this was the last communication they wanted on the subject .
19 Do n't get so bogged down in the trivia of life you have n't the time or inclination to branch out and see what 's on offer .
20 Virtually none of the industry 's first generation of Magnox power stations were built within their expected time or cost .
21 PERT tends to be applied to one off projects of a complex nature- or to projects where time or cost are of overriding importance .
22 The former is used widely in complex projects in the construction and manufacturing industries ; the latter tends to be used in complex , one-off projects or in projects where time or cost are critical .
23 All the evolutionary changes or events , however defined in relation to time or magnitude , became locked into the unchangeable process of creation and re-creation .
24 Finally , the matter lay solely between God and me and had nothing in time or eternity to do with anyone else .
25 Further , although after the initial period the prosecutor may direct police investigation , it is doubtful that prosecutors will have the time or expertise to give more than general directions , thus leaving the police to do the job according to their lights .
26 Stopping people by asking for the time or change is a favourite mugging trick — especially when there is more than one attacker .
27 Dalgliesh said : ‘ You 're assuming there 's an absolute morality independent of time or circumstance . ’
28 Clearly it was I who should have spoken these words , but already I had a feeling that I knew what the brown paper and the ribbed cardboard concealed , and I was n't going to say a word until time or circumstance compelled me .
29 Such leases are generally either very badly converted English leases or else in the form of stale Scottish styles , unchanged by time or circumstance .
30 ‘ Horology is the study or measuring of time or making of clocks ’ — that 's what our dictionary says and the latter is what we do ; we make clocks for a large company called the London Clock Company , but we had very humble beginnings … .
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