Example sentences of "time [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dr David Kessler , commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration said that his agency , the Environmental Protection Agency , and the Department of Agriculture will for the first time make a concerted effort to ‘ create incentives for the development of safe pesticides and to remove those pesticides that pose the greatest risk ’ .
2 A party to proceedings may at any time make a written offer to any other party to those proceedings which is expressed to be " without prejudice save as to costs " and which relates to any issue in the proceedings .
3 The impersonation of the shop manager at lines 19 – 20 , done in a near-RP " posh " voice , is an even clearer evocation of a persona , but this time using a maximally Standard style .
4 This structure is represented at run time using an array of structures and an array of short integers , which is stored as a binary file .
5 In Jordan , a Yarmuk Jordan valley development proposal to irrigate 500,000 dunums and to generate hydro-electricity ; in Sinai another irrigation project , this time using the Nile waters , promised self-supporting agriculture on desert land .
6 They should be dealt with one at a time using the subsequent text pages .
7 The instructor should distribute Handout 13 , then go through the steps one at a time using the details in the text and asking the trainees to complete exercises where necessary .
8 For example , if the direct file were being used by an on-line system there could be several concurrent terminal tasks at any one time using the file , and queues would then develop .
9 The motion of HDE 226868 has been analysed by techniques similar to those already described in Section 8.6 for the pulsar 1913 + 16 , this time using the Doppler spectral shift of HDE 226868 .
10 Later came Tehran 's turn to have a tilt at Baghdad , this time using the radio in a commentary on the debate within OPEC in embattled 1986 : ‘ In addition the Baathist traitors in Iraq demanded a larger oil-exporting quota through Saudi pipelines … [ and ] … openly announced that they would not adhere to OPEC resolutions . ’
11 Any user may request a QAO listing at any time using the user image option 7.3.5 — Format QAO Log .
12 ‘ Right , ’ he eventually whispered , ‘ we 'll advance slowly down through the forest , stopping every few yards to listen for the enemy , while at the same time using the trees for cover .
13 In terms of this new time coordinate the Schwarzschild metric becomes .
14 Be able to calculate the interval between two given times , and the finishing time given the starting time and duration .
15 He had in prospect a time of truce , while Janet , an expert manager , in a trouser suit well adapted to the task , gave him very real help with the laying-up , but at the same time made a series of unacceptable comparisons between the caravan and Rochester .
16 If at a time before the end of the relevant period any property ceases to be property subject to a reservation , the donor shall be treated for the purposes of the inheritance tax legislation as having at that time made a disposition of the property by way of a potentially exempt transfer ( s102(3) and ( 4 ) ) .
17 Having obtained legal powers to build itself a tramway system , Croydon Rural District Council then discovered that legislation at that time made no provision for a Rural District Council to own , operate , or perhaps more important , to raise the necessary finance to construct a tramway system .
18 This absence of a continuous sense of time made an exact computation of past centuries extremely difficult , particularly because of co-regencies , parallel reigns and fictitious reigns .
19 In a trance-like state he re-climbed the wall and this time made the top , in pain but without further incident .
20 Whether the West 's prerogatives are real , and whether or not they are exercised , the resolution of the territorial controversy has removed the one bone of contention which for a time made the Warsaw Pact a community of shared anxiety .
21 Two things happened , however , to divert trade unionism from the adoption of that role and to lead it instead into what has been called its revolutionary period , one which for a time made the ownership and control of industries by the people who worked in them its main objective , which sought in short to displace the organisation of industry on the capitalist model by an industrial co-operative commonwealth .
22 For Kate , the passing of time made the silence chillier , until it felt like an icy shroud around her .
23 They can never take that championship away for us , and at the same time made the scum pay the ultimate price ( he-he-he ) .
24 The Princess , dressed simply in a white blouse and dark skirt , was draped with crimson flower garlands as she flew over Mount Everest in a helicopter , 40 years after a British-sponsored expedition became the first to reach the summit of the world 's highest mountain.As she flew past the snowy peak a relative of a Nepalese climber who accompanied Sir Edmund Hillary up Everest in 1953 was leading a seven-member Australian team up the mountain.Although the Princess did not see any climbers she told fellow passengers aboard her Super Puma helicopter that she had a wonderful time seeing the mountain through clear skies .
25 The event is paid for each year by donations from businesses , individuals and organisations , with the motorists giving up their time to drive the children to and from Southport .
26 The ‘ I ’ at one and the same time transcends the body ( so that for instance we talk of our bodies as something separate from ourselves and say that we ‘ have ’ them rather than ‘ are ’ them ) and is immanent or present in the body .
27 Just in time to preserve the high quality of sport and curtail poaching and illegal fishing .
28 Almost every child , I imagine , has at some time owned a much-loved Teddy Bear .
29 Mr Chance , who at one time owned a cruiser , holds an international helmsman certificate from the Royal Yachting Association .
30 But it took all of a week 's ration of time to restore the plot to its pre-holiday weed-free state .
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