Example sentences of "then [v-ing] through " in BNC.

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1 Thus , if you want to study the use of the word ‘ true ’ in Arthur Hugh Clough , rather than generate a massive concordance containing all the words in Clough 's poems , and then leafing through it to find the word ‘ true ’ , you use the concordance package commands to generate a concordance which contains all and only the uses of ‘ true ’ .
2 His big blond head kept coming up , shaking once and then bobbing through the water as he struck out for the machine .
3 So she said what it was , and then looking through it , it actually certainly we could have done with a fle I could have looked at the the flexible thing before we came to the meeting , because it
4 Losing to Avon Valley 24–21 Mills engineered a four , first by moving the jack and then threading through a congested head to take out an opposing bowl .
5 The river rises close to the source of that other famous Sutherland salmon stream , the Naver , but Brora flows eastwards , collecting in the waters of its main tributary , the Black Water , at Balnacoil , then hurrying through Loch Brora , down to the cold , grey North Sea .
6 I remembered getting out of my seat , putting on my jacket , wondering about trying to get something to eat , deciding I did n't feel hungry , glancing at the empty luggage rack , and then heading through the station and up the road .
7 There is a school — the old school , you might say — that advocates the making of a court bouillon , cooling that , immersing your salmon in it , then going through the process just described .
8 It would mean a visit to his house to get his National Insurance card , and then going through the intricacies and humiliations of getting money from the State .
9 This apparently involves sending patients an eyesight test card and then running through the test itself over the telephone .
10 So , whether I 've lost my bus pass running down the stairs and then running through town , I do n't know .
11 As the moon moves round , part of its illuminated face becomes visible , first as a crescent and then swelling through a half moon into a gibbous shape .
12 Mahmoud was responsible for collecting the evidence , deciding whether there was a case , and then carrying through prosecution .
13 In April of 1920 , Charlie Chaplin , then sweltering through the divorce proceedings brought against him by Mildred Harris , was eating in a fashionable hotel restaurant when he came face to face with Louis B Mayer .
14 and , and then following through the suggestion I 've put to him , erm , erm on one scenario at least to , it could even you , erm perfectly erm able to pursue your counterclaim
15 She spread herself out , descending through her body into the chair , then seeping through the map , feeling the contours of the City , spreading out like spilled water seeping into the paper .
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