Example sentences of "then [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was encouraged to assume this double burden by Arthur Ponsonby , the younger brother of Fritz , who after nine years in the Diplomatic Service had resigned to sit in the Commons as a Liberal ; finding his colleagues inadequately radical , Ponsonby had then joined the Labour Party and in January 1924 was installed at the Prime Minister 's elbow as Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs .
2 She stuffed the postcard under her pillow and then smoothed the covers that she 'd refused to straighten before school .
3 Er the Department 's consultants identified that that would n't be sufficient to cope with traffic flows on the M sixty two er and indeed suggested as as an option er that traffic a new a new route could be created er along from the M sixty five at , the A fifty six and A fifty nine to Skipton , er and then pointed a red arrow in the direction of the A fifty nine across to the A one .
4 I had not then heard the famous phrase .
5 But if they were then given a choice of several kinds of seeds they would show sudden switches in preference , even though the seeds were chemically much the same .
6 However , this did seem to be the indicated remedy , so she was then given a low potency ( 3X ) twice daily for a period of two weeks .
7 Oliver ate his share of the food and was then given a glass of gin-and-water .
8 The issue of age weighting does , however , highlight a problem with migration of elderly people to retirement areas , which are then given a relatively high level of estimated need for health care resources .
9 Material extracted from their brains was then injected into mice , which were then given a similar light/dark choice , though without being shocked .
10 In hard reality , therefore , many authorities consider that the sovereignty of parliament really means the sovereignty of an unrepresentative party boss who is then given a free constitutional rein to wreak unlimited havoc .
11 Dr Mathewson , speaking at the team 's second Corporate Banking conference , also provided an overview of the general policies of the Bank , a subject which was then given a Divisional slant by Managing Director Ian Robertson .
12 The couple were then given a guided tour of the Wedgwood Museum and the factory .
13 Each words in the lattice is then given a syntactic rating based on the probabilities of the transitions it participates in .
14 Each word is then given a syntactic rating based on the score assigned to the word 's grammar tag(s) .
15 I was then given a number and told to wait outside until my number was called .
16 We were then given a simple exam which consisted of crossing out stupid answers in order to leave the least stupid one .
17 Algy used up his measure of luck , I was then given a super navigator with only the sharpest of pencils and the instinct of a homing pigeon who took me through my tour ; he perished the first time he New without me after I was hijacked to Bennett 's staff .
18 The informants were then given a list of 50 items made up of the names of writers and book titles , arranged in alphabetical order .
19 The pupils were then given the opportunity to create and experiment with her voice synthesiser as they performed some group poems of their own .
20 One person in each team is then given the name of an item that someone might buy while out shopping such as : carrots , a newspaper , a magazine , fish , jam , cheese and bananas .
21 Then given the limited orbital performance of Foxbat , we face both observation and sabotage … still right ? ’
22 The court was then given the results of research that had been conducted since the suit was filed in 1987 .
23 He seems not to have received a post until 964/1557 , but was then given the Kasim Pasa medrese in Istanbul at the level , thus bypassing the 20- , 30- and 40-akce grades : he would not normally , of course , receive a medrese the salary of which was less than his pension had been .
24 The banks were then given the choice of exchanging medium-term debt either for ( i ) 30-year bonds with the same face value as the debt , with interest rates rising in stages from 4 per cent in the first year to 6 per cent in years seven to 30 , and with a 12-month interest guarantee ; or for ( ii ) 30-year bonds with a discounted face value of 35 per cent carrying interest at 13/16 of a percentage point above the London inter-bank offered rate ( Libor ) and carrying collateral to guarantee 12 months of interest .
25 Having answered this part of the questionnaire , the informants were then given the next paragraph of the story : The informants were then asked whether this explained the mismatch of the previous paragraph .
26 Characters , for example , are not ‘ real ’ people but effects produced by the semic code through its naming of qualities , which are then given an appearance of individuality and reality through the attribution of a proper name .
27 Subjects were then given an example and instructions in how to fill out the rating scales .
28 He was then given an application form for a job in another department where hopefully his asthma would n't be aggravated .
29 Both raw materials and finished products were all in bags — we unloaded the raw materials up until midnight then re-loaded the lorries from midnight onwards for the drivers to deliver the next day .
30 They in turn had then received the green light from their respective governments .
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