Example sentences of "then [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 He practised the phrase a few times and then stuffed the book back in the outside pocket of his jacket .
2 ‘ After Anthony caught the cod he returned to the car park because his car was blocking somebody in , ’ explained a colleague at Sizewell B. ‘ One of his mates then stuffed the watch down the cod 's throat with a stick — I can imagine Anthony 's surprise when he started to fillet the fish back home .
3 The mail was uniformly trivial , but he read it all and then stuffed the torn envelopes and their contents into his pockets for disposal elsewhere .
4 The respondent then lent the money interest-free to the family company .
5 It looks as if he tore out the entries for the last two months and burned those pages separately , then chucked the book open on the flames .
6 I then checked the green box on the right-hand side of page 8 ( Help For The Hopeless ) .
7 Taking the plate gently from him she placed it in the sink , then checked the turkey one last time , turned the gas down as low as it would go and made her way up to bed .
8 The driver walked round the bus , then checked the road once again .
9 She ran a sticky finger down the monthly balance-sheet , then checked the figures against the handwritten bank statement .
10 He stroked the Gullwing as he passed it and then unlocked the Ferrari 's passenger door to let Billie in .
11 He clipped a glass slide , smeared with a drop of blood , under an ordinary microscope reversed ; and then scanned the specimen in a series of lines by means of a minute and brilliant spot of light .
12 He corrected , then scanned the empty sea ahead of him .
13 She glared at him , then scanned the road for anyone who might offer help if he turned nasty and tried to force her back inside the car , but , apart from an elderly woman walking an equally elderly terrier along the opposite pavement , the road was deserted .
14 She carefully packed her case again , then scanned the tidy bedroom and bathroom with some satisfaction .
15 She drew in a great sharp breath which shook her shoulders , then wiped the old man 's chin with a cloth .
16 She shook the thermometer vigorously , then wiped the end with antiseptic .
17 He got out of the taxi , paid the driver , then wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand .
18 Squid and yellowtail then became the main species fished , but throughout the 1960s and 1970s the pattern was repeated as the yellowtail fishery began to show the familiar signs of overfishing , with catches decreasing despite increasing fishing efforts .
19 Kept in training as a four-year-old , Pebbles won the Trusthouse Forte Mile at Sandown Park , was second in the Prince of Wales 's Stakes at Royal Ascot , and then became the first filly ever to win the Eclipse , beating subsequent Arc winner Rainbow Quest by two lengths .
20 The street then became the stadium and the custom-built truck opened out into a full stage with a public address system , railings , lights , flags , party backdrop and seating all built in .
21 After five years , the initially reluctant southern states joined what then became the German Empire .
22 Such hexaploid triticale then became the subject of large-scale seed production .
23 A UK company was incorporated , which then became the holding company of a company set up to run the Dutch business .
24 There he ordered Cronus to vomit up the other children , who then became the gods of Olympus .
25 The comedians then became the classic movie showmen of these early years .
26 It then became the USAC National Championship and since 1979 , following the formation of CART , the CART National Championship .
27 According to Sark law , by her marriage her estate , including the seigniory , passed to her husband , but she had no intention of relinquishing her hold on island affairs and , although he then became the official seigneur , she sat beside him at meetings of the chief pleas ( Sark 's governing body ) , prompting his actions and continuing , albeit illegally , to give voice to her own opinions .
28 He then became the East of Scotland representative .
29 In A.D. 325 the Emperor himself professed Christianity , which then became the official religion of the Roman Empire .
30 He then became the resident guitarist at ECM and therefore has played guitar for everyone in the modern movement : for example , Paul Bley , Mike Gibbs , Eberhard Weber , Paul Motian and Jan Gabarek .
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