Example sentences of "then [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As Mansell , 38 , attempted to overtake , Senna moved wide to his left as he took the racing line in approach to the corner , forcing the Englishman to career wide and then off the circuit .
2 If his fragile skills made him a figure of immense vulnerability on the pitch , then off the pitch , in the press and in the corridors of football power , Jinky was hacked to bits and fullbacks were rarely to blame .
3 We turned north , away from the mountain , then off the highway on to a dirt road that soon became sand .
4 For example , if the expanding surface S emits monochromatic radiation of fixed intensity , then during the time of the strong blue shift the intensity of the white hole , varies simply in proportion to the cube root of the frequency .
5 Having observed his or her own former situation by means of regression , the patent will then during the course of a counselling session have the opportunity to discuss what happened ( something that may never have been done before ) , to express anger at the perpetrator and possibly at others who may have guessed what was going on but perhaps did nothing to prevent it , and to understand that he or she was in no way to blame for what occurred .
6 The man and the crocodile settled down to watch the film , then during the interval , the crocodile got up to go to the toilet .
7 Then during the period 1410 — 50 the falling price of tin had necessitated increases in the number of work days and productivity to maintain the level of earnings , and more and more men , finding tinning an unrewarding way of satisfying their expectations , had turned to occupations such as cloth making and fishing .
8 However , in case of foreign participation in excess of 20 per cent of the equity or 5 million forints the assessment is reduced by 20 per cent , but if more than half of the income is derived from manufacturing goods or carrying on the business of a hotel , and the stock capital exceeds 25 million forints and the foreign participation exceeds 30 per cent , then during the first five years the tax is reduced by 60 per cent and thereafter by 40 per cent .
9 Then during the 19505 , the searchers began to use high-powered microscopes on some particularly enigmatic rocks .
10 But what we do find helpful at this stage is to consider the pluses and minuses getting you to contribute what you think are the pluses and minuses or retirement and then during the conclusion stage we sort of look at these again and wonder whether we 've changed our view We hop you will because obviously this is the purpose of the of these talks .
11 Can you tell me then another side of this problem of abortion during the War is erm the problem of contraception then , erm I wonder do you think that people were n't aware of facilities for contraception then during the War ?
12 Did that stop then during the war ?
13 And then during the war too , he had his fun .
14 This is a trading practice ( more common on the Continent than in the United Kingdom ) whereby a trader organises a coach or boat trip and then during the trip gets the travellers to buy or offer to buy goods or services .
15 Only then during the forward swing can the legs and hips begin to work in harmony with the upper body in generating clubhead speed .
16 If , however , a married man had children young enough to keep his wife at home , then during the high-price years he could not have earned enough to support his family without supplementation .
17 He may enter into a contract of service or may agree to give his exclusive services to another : then during the period of the contract he is not entitled to engage in other business activities .
18 Yeah , well , thank you Chairman , I I I 'm erm er , I must admit , I 'm I I am think long and and and er think deep really , about er , you know , changes such as this , but I I also er , er have to run my own businesses , and er , I just er , I think we have experienced a water-shed , it 's coincided to some extent with the change of administration and then during the nineteen eighties , we had to a boom in this county , we had the the opportunity and I never er ever er , been against that principle , of er , of er , using our actual receipts we have hidden reserves , we we talked about the reserves of twenty nine million pounds here , for the er , erm , we have er er , assets of twenty nine million , in an earlier paper .
19 But er just er just different er Then during the war I I did the some of the er work for the cooperative you know , like fire damage or water damage and that you know .
20 and then that was it and then a bit later on , that was all they said about me haircut and then during the break somebody else said , there 's something else gone as well and they could n't make out what it what done mine in , my musical director he come , he says you know what will look nice now with that haircut do n't you ?
21 Yeah but you imagine it , you 're going out with someone and you see them like every day and then during the holidays you wo n't be able to see them
22 If there had to be a foreign , non-Ukrainian government in Poltava , then for the local peasantry Great Russians were preferable to Germans .
23 He looked as if he had been conserving all his energy since then for the moment when he took advantage of an error by Butcher to shoot strongly past Woods .
24 He looked as if he had been conserving all his energy since then for the moment when he took advantage of an error by Butcher to shoot strongly past Woods .
25 ‘ It 'll give me a chance to get on with my baking an' that then for the WI stall , ’ she said with a nod of approval .
26 I think it dawned on him then for the first time that there were two streams , and that the pond was not formed by Burden Creek .
27 When consulted on the alterations , the ladies considered that it was wiser to spend on greens and approaches but ‘ if on the clubhouse then for the caretaker ’ — i.e. a larger kitchen and scullery ’ , although they admitted they would like more basins and another w.c .
28 For a time , Freames was used for the manufacture of chemicals and later became known as Crystal Fountain Mill , then for the production of shoddy and mattress stuffing up to at least the Second World War .
29 ‘ I did an area in Washington , as far as drugs , called the Graveyard and then for the prostitution I did New York and Washington DC . ’
30 I do believe that then for the first time it dawned on people that Northern Ireland was a series of Catholic and Protestant ghettoes .
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