Example sentences of "him no [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Obsessional neurosis is shown in the patient 's being occupied with thoughts in which he is in fact not interested , in his being aware of impulses which appear very strange to him and his being led to actions the performance of which give him no enjoyment but which it is quite impossible for him to omit .
2 What he does see is a crippled lama living in extreme simplicity and frugality in a mountain hermitage , whose being is irradiated with a joy which has an even keener edge because his infirmities offer him no possibility of escape .
3 It was easy to imagine the undertaker sitting , relaxed , without his jacket or tie , being shot by someone behind him ; probably by someone well known to him whose presence gave him no concern .
4 For him no surrender , no coward 's compromise ,
5 But no matter how much he twisted and turned , the Liverpool dynamo gave him no rest .
6 Not that he was remote from the Council 's concerns ; his long-standing dialogue with Karl Barth makes him no exception to the keen and growing ecumenical awareness that characterizes almost all Catholic theological writing since the 1960s .
7 These charities were originally administered by the Church or trustees appointed by the old vestry meetings , but with the Local Government Act of 1894 , they passed into the hands of the new parish councils , or such as still existed , for in 1893 , we find the local vicar complaining that most of the charities were dead and buried , and that Thomas Towers promised to give twenty shillings each Christmas Day , very kind of him no doubt , but unfortunately he left no provision for anybody to give it after he was dead , so that in his case he and benefaction are both dead and buried .
8 However , he was also imbued with papal influences that came to him no doubt from his Roman and " papal " background , from Pope Gregory VII and from St Bernard in his tremendously important address to Eugenius III .
9 I recognised at school that I had the talent to become a politician when , at the end of a particularly bad term , the headmaster wrote on my report , ’ One can not help but be quite captivated by him , provided one gives him no work to do . ’
10 This is illustrated by the people walking past the tramp , showing him no humanity at all even though he was obviously in dire need of help .
11 During his years at Oxford , he had spent part of his vacations in France , but those relatively short periods had given him no idea of the chaos that had prevailed since his father 's death .
12 The vicious tone does him no credit whatsoever and in fact only serves to tarnish the image of the party .
13 But the Home Secretary 's fraudulent attempt to imply that they were all destined for Heathrow does him no credit and should cause him shame .
14 Sikes and Nancy gave him no chance to escape and Oliver had no breath to call out for help .
15 Then , giving him no chance to respond , she said , ‘ I was christened Paula Mary Josephine , but everyone calls me Polly . ’
16 He pens his ‘ Explanation ’ in his old age in an attempt to explain to himself what went wrong in his life , and how his always acting from the highest , most unselfish motives brought him no happiness but only pain and alienation .
17 He drank heavily , but it gave him no elation , merely intensified his mood .
18 The tiny movements of the wherry and the gentle , muted river sounds which came to him through the warm night air gave him no relief .
19 His family knew nothing of education and so gave him no support or encouragement , still less active aid .
20 To choose one of many examples , I can point to the case of Nottingham-born Herol Graham , whose parents came from Jamaica and gave him no support in his sporting endeavours , at first in sprinting and then in boxing where he made his mark as a light-middleweight .
21 She gave him no sign .
22 Flaubert was distressed and begged for mercy , but she gave him no quarter . ’
23 Robinson said , deciding that talk about his farming , not unlike the farming itself , alas , would give him no advantage .
24 ‘ I have given him no money .
25 To publish falsely , of an Irish priest , that he informed on members of the IRA is not defamatory : it may cause him to be executed by terrorists , but the law offers him no way of securing a correction .
26 His arm lay against his side like another body , his but not his , a throbbing strangeness grotesquely large , a companion to his every movement and one that gave him no peace .
27 ‘ Although one assumes David only crossed the border because his niece had been cheated of her crown and gave him no peace until he avenged her , haranguing him with letter after letter .
28 She had given him no opportunity to indicate that there was an old friend with him — not that there was , at that point , but there might have been , and if there had been , it was hardly his fault if Alexandra had chosen to come knocking on the door without giving him a chance to explain — and then getting stroppy when she found someone had got there before her .
29 ‘ I think it 's time we left , ’ she muttered , standing up and thereby giving him no opportunity to deliver another of his pointed snubs .
30 And even if they meant him no threat , how could the Lord Owen be sure of it ?
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