Example sentences of "him so that " in BNC.

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1 If one stops for a piss the rest might catch up and if they do they will either fall straight over him so that you finish with a ball of dogs that will take forever to unwind , or they will take lumps out of him .
2 Wexford took hold of his jacket roughly , pushing him so that his head jerked up .
3 His colleague Vic Marks wrote that ‘ we willed opposition fast bowlers to bounce him so that we could witness the majesty of his hooking ’ , and there can be very few batsmen of whom that could be said .
4 He tried to pull Caspar with him so that they would be hidden by a tree , but Caspar hung back barking .
5 He left his cocoon of warmth , closing the folds behind him so that the damp chill of the room would not invade his secret place during his absence .
6 They all turned out to watch him go , Pen clamouring to accompany him so that he might be the first to embrace and welcome Lily 's baby .
7 I lifted Harry until he was sitting on the walkway and then , still gripping him tightly , wriggled up beside him so that we were both sitting there with our heads wholly above water , which may not sound a great advance but which was probably the difference between life and death .
8 With Gomez watching , he bound Trent s wrists in front of him so that he could hold the coffee mug .
9 Marjorie turned her back to him so that he could help her out of her coat .
10 As he whispered , Donald 's resonant , trained voice repeated each sentence after him so that all could hear , from the Macleans of Morvern and Coll and the seven other members of the Clan Council away past the tacksmen and subtenants to the farthest cottar on the damp sand .
11 The carer stands with her legs on either side of the patient 's knees , places her hands under the patient 's seat , pulls his body-weight forward and in one movement lifts his pelvis and pivots him so that he sits down onto the chair .
12 The rest of the queue followed close behind him so that there were at least six people on the ladder at the same time .
13 When one dhāmi died the god chose another and was embodied in him so that , although dhāmis came and went , the god 's reputation endured .
14 It is to teach our young people about Him , it is to bring them to a conscious faith in Him so that in the heart and life of the Church , they can proclaim and witness to the faith of the ages , that Jesus is truly God and truly man , the Lord and saviour of us all . ’
15 Her face flooded with radiance as she saw him so that the impression of fragility was gone .
16 Hosanna started to smell the debris where she had put it on the marble top of the kitchen dresser and she shouted at him so that he darted out into the yard .
17 And she knew that this outing had been contrived by him so that he could make progress with her .
18 They had both been so kind , caring and helpful during the whole of Nigel 's illness — staying with him so that I could get out to shop and have a break , taking him to his hospital appointments because their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable for him , and in dozens of other , smaller but no less important ways .
19 She longed to wake him so that they could make love again but did not dare to because , for all the intimacy of the previous hours , Constance knew that she was lying next to a virtual stranger .
20 ‘ It left him so that even though he is now 24 , he is still like a little child .
21 To get the activity in isolation you have to think of someone suddenly coming into existence with just enough of a world around him so that what he does and believes is just what the postman does and believes in the real world , but without any real environment .
22 To do this on a significant scale he had either to supersede another lord or outrank him so that the following of one lord became a component in the retinue of a superior lord .
23 He thought , once again , how large she looked and yet how vulnerable , wearing nothing but her nightdress , kneeling on the floor in front of him so that he could see , although he tried not to , the tops of her ample breasts .
24 We are told that his decision not to do so was influenced by his impression that the judge was hostile to him so that he was reluctant to be questioned by the judge .
25 Simple arithmetic will show that if you wish the examiner to appreciate your answer you must present it to him so that the minimum time is required for reading , assessing and marking .
26 That he wanted her uncle to kill him so that her uncle would be damned .
27 He felt as if Simon were lifting him by the collar and dangling him so that his feet were off the earth and his toes straining to reach something .
28 Li Yuan stood at the rail , looking out across the darkness of the lake , his sense of ease , of inner stillness , lulling him so that for a time he seemed aware only of the dull murmur of the voices behind him and the soft lapping of the water against the wooden posts of the jetty .
29 It may be that Archbishop Jaenberht refused to consecrate him so that Offa was driven to establishing a metropolitan see at Lichfield in order to procure an archbishop who would perform the ceremony .
30 But Calatin 's banqueting hall and the house in the forest had wavered and grown dim — ‘ as if I am seeing it through water , ’ thought Fergus — and there had been a great heaviness within him so that it was difficult to breathe .
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