Example sentences of "him as [art] " in BNC.

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1 In The Wrench he creates the rigger Faussone , the practical man whose cranes girdle the world and who keeps returning , a little heavy-footed , to the house in Turin where two old aunts fuss over his welfare : Faussone was spoken of as ‘ my alter ego ’ , and the book has to struggle to accommodate him as a second person , available for interview by Levi .
2 Margot Iverson had struck him as a very controlled woman .
3 It is quite wrong to look at him as a marginal or failed artist , a tragic case , like his country of Bengal , even though he himself sometimes seemed to see things this way .
4 She liked him , never thought of him as a boyfriend , he was too comfortable .
5 There are those who accept him as a subverter of meanings , including his own , an anti-philosopher , a disconcerting jester , gleefully overturning accepted habits of thought .
6 In the second camp are those who regard him as a true philosopher , however provocative his manner , who is restating traditional philosophical problems in a new way .
7 Heredia wants to be poetic and hard ; the hardness appears to him as a virtue in the poetic .
8 Most athletes first encountered him as a voice , bellowing in multi-lingual fury at officials who had broken rules or arrangements designed to make racing safer or more fair .
9 In 1981 , Zhao Ziyang , then China 's prime minister , praised him as a ‘ bold and patriotic capitalist ’ .
10 When he appeared in a Spanish court as an expert witness concerning US extradition laws for Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela , otherwise known as ‘ The Chessplayer ’ , the prosecutor pilloried him as a turncoat .
11 A PEER with a distinguished war record who became a Conservative minister , Warden of Winchester College and businessman , yesterday described to a High Court jury his horror when he realised a pamphlet described him as a war criminal .
12 AN OFF-DUTY police inspector saw the alleged killer of Marie Wilks but dismissed him as a good Samaritan , the M50 murder trial was told yesterday .
13 Biggs is of the opinion that Mason would be unlikely to survive more than a couple of rounds against the world heavyweight champion and at this stage it would be unwise to even think of him as a genuine contender .
14 He was head of the Military Intelligence Service ( MIS ) until his fall from grace in 1983 , when it was thought that Ne Win , Burma 's autocratic ruler since 1962 , perceived him as a threat to his leadership .
15 Mr Sisulu 's generosity and warmth did not waver during his time in the maximum security prison of Robben Island , where other inmates deferred to him as a charismatic senior statesman of what has been called ‘ the government-in-exile ’ .
16 RENTAMINSTER , the third market company which supplies labour to the construction industry , has instituted court proceedings against Anthony Swales and dismissed him as a director of the company and its subsidary BES Construction Services .
17 They can not imagine him as a Prime Minister , and they can not imagine that the British public can be persuaded to elect him to that post .
18 McKenzie , who has never been in trouble before , was described by people who knew him as a pleasant individual .
19 Mills Roberts was a stickler for discipline but everyone recognised him as a good soldier and therefore , for all his shouting , he was a popular figure .
20 Everyone remembered him as a big man in all senses but not as a good headmaster except that he liked everyone and everyone liked him and in chapel he was a superlative speaker .
21 His fellow-undergraduates thought of him as a gangly youth with brown hair .
22 Ramsey described him as a character , without popular appeal , donnish , with no great interest in his big rural diocese , but full of wisdom and learning , and eager for friendship with young men .
23 This was contrary to the opinion of the world and society which thought of him as a boffin .
24 At the first performance Vivienne was terrified by Sweeney , seeing him as a homicidal madman .
25 Here they are reinvoked to discredit Wilde , yet in a way which still acknowledged him as a threat .
26 He told me about Midge when he got back to London and I called him from the shop one Saturday , telling him we 'd be interested in him as a singer .
27 His Majesty appealed to him as a Statesman and as one who had been a Minister of the Crown to place before everything the present dangerous situation of the country , Sir Herbert replied that he and his party were just as patriotic as the Conservatives : the country would be in far greater danger from Tariffs — price of food stuffs would rise , there would be strikes and outbreaks all over the country .
28 Likewise , Wemyss had few kind things to say about Salisbury , and on more than one occasion denounced him as a ‘ socialist ’ for enacting measures like free education in rural districts and the Workmen 's Compensation Act .
29 When they met in Paris in 1963 , Breton hailed him as a surrealist , but in a recent interview Gironella disclaimed so tidy a classification , saying he is as much a baroque artist as a surrealist .
30 So the literary set , many of them agnostic or hostile to religion , ranged behind Lord David , while those who had already committed themselves , together with those who esteemed him as a scholar , voted for E. K. Chambers .
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