Example sentences of "him the same " in BNC.

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1 Eliot 's vision of the urbane savage was very different from Arnold 's , but gave him the same privileges as his Romantic predecessor .
2 I am sure that you will give him the same affirmation and support you gave to me when I arrived .
3 If that is the case , I 'll talk to him the same way .
4 By now , though , he was tired of Barbados , particularly its narrowness of spirit ; they expressed their appreciation of his runs by refusing to allow him , as a black man , to practise at Kensington Oval , and he believed there were still those who resented his success and thought him the same ‘ bighead ’ as at school .
5 But he could justify this because there were other Scots besides Elder , drawn from the ranks of the leading politicians , who gave him the same message .
6 He was then attacked by James , but gave him the same treatment .
7 Sometimes he grunted at me as if trying to get me to say something , but always I had to give him the same classroom answer : ‘ Ich verstehe nicht . ’
8 A well-made pension plan inspired in him the same emotions as an estate-bottled single-vineyard wine of a good year , and about the same amount of waffle .
9 These attitudes transposed easily to the Commonwealth point of view , class warfare and nationalist agitation both arousing in him the same confidently emollient response .
10 Having saved him from almost certain death in the morning at the hands of the enemy , fate had collected him the same evening by a stray bullet fired in error by a Maltese Army recruit .
11 After all , the chairman of a transport conglomerate which had tipped hundreds of thousands into party funds would not thank a prime minister who gave him the same reward as a Blackpool entertainer .
12 Young wheat especially , so pure and tender , woke in him the same emotion that he had when observing the face of a sleeping baby .
13 He is the vital element , a striker with so much potential that , if Graham Taylor gives him the same encouragement he has received at Highbury , he will become Gary Lineker Mark II — only better .
14 Although Daniel 's dark skin offers him the same protection as a mild sunscreen , it 's not enough to block all the sun 's harmful UV rays .
15 He that will consider that the same fire that at one distance produces in us the sensation of warmth , does at a nearer approach produce in us the far different sensation of pain , ought to bethink himself what reason he has to say , that his idea of warmth which was produced in him by the fire , is actually in the fire , and his idea of pain which the same fire produced in him the same way is not in the fire .
16 He continued to urge Canterbury 's supremacy over York , and in the general settlement of 1107 , Archbishop Gerard promised at last to show him the same obedience as archbishop as he had owed as bishop of Hereford .
17 As soon as he got home , the telephone was ringing and she told him the same thing many times .
18 As soon as he entered the first field to be cut his mates up-ended him and gave him the same treatment which stopped only when he shouted ‘ Beer ! ’ .
19 An –easy conscience chafed him like his new , scratchy tweed suit , caused him the same persistent discomfort as the broken spring he was hatching out beneath his buttocks .
20 I gave him the same answer I gave you . ’
21 The Sheriff asked me the same question and I gave him the same answer as I have you . ’
22 They deport him the same day .
23 The right hon. and learned Gentleman nodded when I asked him the same question earlier , but he has not said how he will ensure fairness between schools and therefore , no discrimination against students with special needs .
24 I promise him the same standard of service in my car as that which he would expect to be provided by a Conservative borough , or even a Conservative taxi service operated by myself .
25 The CBI , the British Institute of Management and the Institute of Personnel Management have all put to him the same point about single-union agreements .
26 God knows why — I made him the same way I made the rest of you — but there it is .
27 Offer him the same — more if you have to .
28 So , Himmler was giving him the same powers as he had given Max Radl for Operation Eagle .
29 Anyway he says he 'd pay him the same money as what he 's on there , 'cos he 'd have to really , would n't just say , say
30 Well making , given him the same as us .
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