Example sentences of "him to [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The Ring seems to find no answer in him to its call .
2 Sometimes the Church has tried to exercise proprietary rights over the Holy Spirit , confining him to its basis of faith , its ministerial orders , its sacraments .
3 At this moment of consummation ( and the image is surely sexual as well ) , and in the time of relief following , the poet gives up his struggle and allows the ‘ sacred river ’ to draw him to its ‘ lifeless ’ conclusion : to struggle for control in the river is to be controlled by it .
4 When the prayers were ended the three girls kissed him goodnight in turn , and Rose went with him to their room .
5 We are not just talking power-dressing for women ; Armani makes men look even better than the fairer sex in a way that 's so thoroughly macho it 's no wonder the world 's aggro merchants have taken him to their hearts as eagerly as Hollywood 's glitterati .
6 They took him to their rooms and gave him a glass of vodka or slivović and teased him .
7 It is the cattle dealers and butchers of the town who are of most interest to us , for it was they who took the dog of Rottweil and turned him to their use with great effect .
8 After the Nazi occupation of France in 1940 he escaped to the United States where Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard tried to recruit him to their team at Columbia but were prevented because Washington at that time did not recognise the Free French forces .
9 In various ways the British , French , Italians , the Poles and the Russians all failed when seeking ‘ to buy Hitler off or use him to their own advantage ’ .
10 After a night racked with pain , Bill 's wife Violet took him to their local hospital where horrified doctors treated his multiple injuries .
11 In any event , the new Democrats took him to their hearts , and convinced themselves that he really was — as he said — a ‘ different kind of Democrat ’ .
12 He also invested in a number of trading voyages to the East Indies , and between 1657 and 1662 the East India Company elected him to their court of directors .
13 There was little time left before his meeting with Merymose , so he did not return to his house , but took a circuitous route which would bring him to their rendezvous at the moment the sun touched the top of the western cliffs .
14 Get a man and mould him to their own design — onto their personal potter 's wheel he goes , all the unacceptable bits gouged out .
15 The economists advising Beveridge had converted him to their own views , which Beveridge described as ‘ the socialisation of demand ’ .
16 His gallic flair has illuminated Old Trafford and the United supporters have taken him to their hearts — they have even invented ( in their usual witty and original way ) a song which goes ‘ Ooh Aah Cantona , Ooh Aah cantona ’ .
17 There was no question of Lewis abandoning the Moores , but the body does not always believe the evidence of its senses ; and from this time onwards Minto ( as Lewis had begun to call Janie , after a variety of sweet to which she was devoted ) began to develop a series of psychosomatic conditions which strengthened the ties binding him to her side .
18 Only Anthea 's insistence had brought him to her room , where matters had taken their own turn .
19 He had nowhere to go , so she took him to her room , such as it was .
20 She wanted to take him to her cabin and tear all his smart clothes off .
21 Oddly , though he could never bear to be out of her sight and cried whenever she left him , as soon as his eldest sister , the faithful Cis , got him to her own home he ceased to cry .
22 She took him to her home in a middle-class London suburb and her mother disapproved .
23 John is happy because Mary has invited him to her party .
24 But one day Miss Havisham decided it was time to apprentice me to Joe , and told me to bring him to her house .
25 At last , with greasy fingers , she managed to guide him to her saturated hole , and he penetrated her as easily as her own fingers did when she masturbated .
26 She took his hand and guided him to her clitoris .
27 Could she alert him to her danger ?
28 Shortly afterwards he apparently became tutor to a son or sons of Sir Thomas Hoby [ q.v. ] , of Bisham Abbey , Berkshire , whose wife Elizabeth [ q.v. ] commended him to her brother-in-law William Cecil ( later Baron Burghley , q.v. ) , whom Hayes apparently served in unknown capacities for at least twenty years .
29 She took him to her room where they could have privacy .
30 Dada drove him to her little house beside a lake in Co .
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