Example sentences of "him every [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His regular visits to the hospital for treatment finally ended in 1991 but a psychiatric nurse still visits him every fortnight to help him with the bouts of depression he suffers .
2 It exploded from just inside the Springbok 22 and Oosthuysen raced three-quarters the length of the pitch with Steve Hackney closing on him every second .
3 ‘ You do n't meet him every night . ’
4 He never knew when he 'd be flying , you see , so I 'd wait for him every night at seven and hope he 'd be there . ’
5 ‘ Wonderful , dreamless sleep engulfed him every night .
6 Wonderful dreamless sleep engulfed him every night .
7 I see him every night . ’
8 Ultimately , because we pray for him every night , he will change his politics .
9 ‘ You see him every night , ’ he drawled .
10 Oh yeah , and his dog , yeah likes it as well yeah , they used to leave a tray out for him every night , yeah when it was closing time the dog knew every time it closed , it wo , I mean if they closed at lunchtime it would n't come down it would only come down when they closed up at night .
11 Someone else who loved him every bit as much as she did .
12 A deep responsive pulse seemed to begin pounding deep in her stomach , and she knew that she wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her , that every fibre of her being was throbbing with the compulsive drive of passionate need and desire .
13 Mr Hellyer gave him every assistance and afterwards went thankfully down to the pub for a few beers .
14 His main love now , probably to preserve his energies , is coarse fishing , you will find him every weekend during the season on the shore with his rods , or cruising the Norfolk Broads and fishing round the clock .
15 She told me how much food to give him every day , and to be sure to leave the window open a bit so he could get into the garden and do his business .
16 I used to see him every day , basically , every night , just working with him in the studio and stuff , and I think it will always be there , thinking of him and everything .
17 See , we used to visit him every day .
18 And long after Dana had left me , I still thought of him every day , and from time to time wrote poems about him , like this one which came to me after several viewings of a film that greatly disturbed and fascinated me , Pasolini 's Teorema :
19 He works on our local trading estate and I see him every day after school and at weekends .
20 He came to spend the night , by agreement , twice a week and she saw him every day but there was no denying that he seemed a visitor and never a member of her household .
21 At the time , Maurice Utrillo was confined to a lunatic asylum through his chronic alcoholism and Lunia and the Zborowskis went to visit him every day .
22 God was with him every day , worrying over the smallest details of his life .
23 Jenny begged him every day to change his mind , but he was a busy man and declared that it was quite out of the question and he wished to goodness Miss Clinton had never mentioned the subject of Brownies !
24 I had met him every day of my life in England : punching my ticket on a ‘ bus , cutting my hair , selling me an evening newspaper or looking after the engine of my aeroplane .
25 We used to call and see him every day , often on our way to and from school , and so did our parents .
26 He reads a newspaper to him every day , takes him on trains and buses and to the shops .
27 Dorothy stood by him and came to visit him every day .
28 He had been obliged to tell her , of course , that it was an offence to deface a coin of the realm , but he had done as she asked because women brought sentimental tokens to him every day of the week and , anyway , it was only a farthing .
29 ‘ If you part from a lover there is no point in saying goodbye and then seeing him every day , ’ she said .
30 He praised his wife Wyn who visited him every day and held his hand as he was treated in three different hospitals .
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